varies, even amongst students of similar socio-economic status, depending on the country/economy in which the students are enrolled in school. The first variable is the country/region that the study is conducted in (US or other countries). van Ewijk and Sleegers (Citation2010) examined student peer SES measured at the class, cohort, and school level. Kl-Depren, Serpil A meta-analysis on the relationship between school characteristics and student outcomes in science and maths evidence from large-scale studies,, Parent involvement and science achievement: A cross-classified multilevel latent growth curve analysis,, Is socioeconomic status less predictive of achievement in East Asian countries? In particular, the mean school SES effect size was smaller for studies involving early childhood-upper secondary schools (=1.49; k=2) when compared to studies involving early childhoods (k=4). A systematic and meta-analytic review,, Socioeconomic status and academic outcomes in developing countries: A meta-analysis, Do children who read more books know what is good writing better than children who read less? Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. Therefore, the two GINI indices, as measures of socioeconomic inequality, may moderate the association between school SES and students learning outcomes. Researchers measuring school SES using the average SES level of students within a school reduce measurement errors associated with measures of individual student SES, thereby producing more reliable estimates of school SES. Students well-being and academic achievement: A meta-analysis study, Socioeconomic status and academic outcomes in developing countries: A meta-analysis, The relationship between health efficacy, educational attainment, and well-being among 30 nations, The relation between family socioeconomic status and academic achievement in China: A meta-analysis. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Academic performance prediction is an indispensable task for policymakers. The use of meta-analysis enables us to synthesise findings from the large number of studies examining school SES that have reported different patterns of results for the association between school SES and student outcomes. for this article. The present study has important implications for education policies related to school segregation (Reardon & Owens, Citation2014) and voucher schools (Epple et al., Citation2017). In this cross-sectional study, we used hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis to explore how the independent variables predicted academic achievement in blocks based on data from 6890 students attending 186 schools. It is usually measured alongside education, occupational status, and income ( Conger and Donnellan, 2007 ). Equity in the Turkish education system: A multilevel analysis of social background influences on the mathematics performance of 15-year-old students, Role of student well-being: A study using structural equation modeling, The influence of psychological well-being on academic success., Child well-being: A systematic review of the literature. The paper illustrates the impact of income, occupation on educational attainment of students. What school processes are related to school SES? First, some scholars argue that, compared to school processes, family processes are more powerful predictors of student outcomes, especially when schools become more homogenous due to globalisation (Dumont & Ready, Citation2020; Heyneman, Citation2015), so ascertaining the strength of associations between school SES and students learning outcomes will contribute to the scholarship on the role of schools in student learning. For example, Sirins (Citation2005) meta-analysis found that SES had larger effect sizes for students mathematics (vis-a-vis verbal, science, or general) achievement. These processes include school leadership, school climate, teacher capacity, instructional programmes, school educational resources, and parental involvement. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. The mean effect size for achievement outcomes (r=.59) was larger than that for attainment outcomes (r=.39), indicating that school SES is more strongly associated with students learning quality than their behavioural outcomes. The mainstream SES scholarship is largely based on studies conducted in the US (e.g., Socioeconomic status and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review of research,, The impact of achievement press on student success in elementary schools,, The contribution of cultural capital to students mathematics achievement in medium and high socioeconomic gradient economies, Socioeconomic status, involvement practices, and student science achievement: Insights from a typology of home and school involvement patterns, Second-order meta-analysis synthesizing the evidence on associations between school leadership and different school outcomes, Information technology, mathematics achievement, and educational equity in developed economies,, Explaining relationships among student outcomes and the school's physical environment, School integration and the achievement test scores of Black and White students in Savannah, Georgia, Influences on mathematics learning and attitudes among African American high school students, Australian Council for Educational Research, The effects of preliteracy knowledge, schooling, and summer vacation on literacy acquisition,, The walls speak: The interplay of quality facilities, school climate, and student achievement,, Three-level meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes,, Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes: A multilevel approach,, The effect of peer socioeconomic status on student achievement: A meta-analysis,, The role of students home language in science achievement: A multilevel approach,, Effects of student composition in school on young adults educational pathways, A genetically sensitive investigation of the effects of the school environment and socio-economic status on academic achievement in seven-year-olds,, Students motivational beliefs in science learning, school motivational contexts, and science achievement in Taiwan,, The increasing impact of socioeconomics and race on standardized academic test scores across elementary, middle, and high school, Contextual effects on student achievement: School leadership and professional community, School composition and contextual effects on student outcomes,, Relationship among school socioeconomic status, teacher-student relationship, and middle school students academic achievement in China: Using the multilevel mediation model,, A partial simulation study of phantom effects in multilevel analysis of school effects: The case of school socioeconomic composition, Chinese immigrant students in Hong Kong: Exploring performance and influences on their civic learning. specific parental behaviours to enhance child development) pertaining to the family and school environments (Epstein, Citation2010; Tan, Citation2018, Citation2020). 2023. Results show that school SES was more associated with school leadership, school climate, teacher capacity, and parental involvement than with school instructional programmes or school educational resources, thereby elucidating the processes that may contribute to the more positive student learning outcomes in higher-SES schools. . SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 17.0 update. It enables effects in individual studies to be converted to a common metric and compared across studies. The 66 research studies were compiled to obtain a sample size of 266,817 subjects. Results show that the mean effect size of school SES on student learning outcomes was substantial at r=.58. The percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced-price lunch/schooling is commonly used to measure school SES in US and to a smaller extent, UK studies. Mateo, Nino Jose Studies were included if they (a) examined effects of school SES on student outcomes (achievement, attainment) and/or processes that mediated relationships between school SES and student outcomes; (b) sampled K-12 students/schools; (c) employed quantitative analytical approaches; (d) reported relevant effect sizes (e.g. new skills acquired by students that are reflected in assessment grades and scores for different subjects) versus attainment (i.e. school SES) and ethnic composition in schools explain a greater proportion of the variation in student learning outcomes. Third, the study shows that school SES is more strongly associated with specific school processes (school leadership and climate, teacher capacity, parental involvement benefiting student learning) than others (instructional programmes, educational resources). This study aimed to explore the relationships between SES, WB and academic achievement, based on the data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018 within the Turkish context. Results show that most studies included in the meta-analysis used the percentage of students on free/reduced price lunch as a school SES indicator. Relatedly, the present study also shows that school SES was less associated with instructional programmes than with other school variables such as school leadership, school climate, and teacher capacity. Therefore, a final pool of 97 studies were included in the present study (Figure 1). . For more information please visit our Permissions help page. The present study reveals a large variation among the 97 studies that examine school SES. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Effects of socioeconomic status and its components on academic achievement: evidence from Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang (China), a Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, b Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, a Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China;c Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, Zhuhai, China, /doi/full/10.1080/02188791.2021.2015286?needAccess=true. Coding was performed at the effect size level. Render date: 2023-03-18T08:18:35.141Z Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. key factor to determine the academic performance of the students. Moderator analysis also indicates that standard errors were not a significant moderator for school SES effects (=0.34, p=.60, (level 2)=0.05, (level 3)=0.24), F (1, 239)=0.27, p=.60). The results show that the students' socioeconomic variables, such as caste, residence, and father occupation, impact their academic performance in the 6th class but cease to do so after five years of their residential study. For example, Thomson and colleagues (Citation2013) found that, compared to government-supported private schools or government schools, independent private schools in 16 countries had higher levels of mathematics performance that was fully explained by school SES. The report involving data from more than 3,000 schools and about 600,000 students in the US found that schools had little influence on student achievement after students family and social backgrounds were accounted for. Additionally, it advances our understanding of school SES effects beyond the Coleman Report by unravelling specific school processes that may explain the influence of school SES on students learning outcomes. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Understanding the effects of socioeconomic status on academic performance is important in determining effective and valid testing for students. The study revealed that the model, including the independent variables, predicted students achievement in reading, mathematics and science; however, the prediction level of demographic factors and domains of WB were very low, while SES had the highest prediction level. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. The present study acknowledges these controversies and employs meta-analysis to clarify associations between school SES and (a) students learning outcomes; (b) schools percentage of ethnic minority students and students prior ability; and (c) school processes. For example, Borman and Dowlings (Citation2010) reanalysis of Coleman and colleagues original data using the same model specification but with a more advanced statistical technique (multilevel regression) found that schools social composition (students social class, race/ethnicity) was 1.75 times more important than students individual social and racial/ethnic background in explaining the variation in students learning outcomes. However, there were only two studies that provided effect sizes for students with a specific level of prior ability (i.e. The large effect sizes associated with student achievement in different subject areas (except social sciences) underscore school processes influencing teaching-and-learning in high-SES schools, thereby affirming the need to unravel these processes. Results showed high inter-rater reliabilities between the two sets of coding (Cohen, Citation1960; McHugh, Citation2012) for different variables coded (k=.99 for school SES indicators; k=.99 for school SES data sources; k=.99 for achievement subject areas; k=.89 for measurement level of student outcomes; k=.94 for school processes; k=.99 for student grade levels). Published online by Cambridge University Press: School socioeconomic segregation is regarded as a threat to education equity worldwide. First, the finding is consistent with the Heyneman-Loxley Effect promulgating that schools are less important in influencing student outcomes when countries become economically developed (Heyneman, Citation2015). How are these relationships moderated by contextual and methodological variables? Are these effects more (or less) pronounced in high-SES, mid-SES, or low-SES districts? special education or religious schools); (f) employed qualitative or meta-analytic methodologies; and (g) were not written in English. Mean effects for studies using Title 1/non-Title 1 school classification (r=.43, k=15), parental education (r=.36, k=3) or other single school SES indicator (r=.59, k=3) were each based on a smaller number of effect sizes, so these findings must be interpreted with caution. Determining the correlation between these two variables is important for all educators to understand, so that all students can achieve to their academic potential. The two manual searches returned another 53 potential studies. This study investigates the effects of socioeconomic status on racial achievement gaps. In the present study, the mean number of effect sizes per primary study was 4.95 (480 effect sizes from 97 primary studies) and 77 of the 97 primary studies had more than one effect size, thereby justifying the use of the three-level meta-analysis. Therefore, the search returned a total of 39,522 potential studies. The relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement can both reflect the degree to which students academic achievement is affected by SES and reveal detailed information about educational equity in a country/economy. Academic performance is frequently examined using classical statistical software, which can be used to detect logical connections between socioeconomic status and academic performance. For example, a large positive association between the mean school SES level (i.e. Publications Office of the European Union, A meta-analysis of the effect of parental involvement on students academic achievement, Parents personality traits and childrens subjective well-being: A chain mediating model, Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy. Researchers have focused on specific instead of all the six categories of processes, so we do not know which processes are more important than others in explaining school SES effects. Feature Flags: { In contrast, functional school resources (school instructional programmes, educational resources) and parental involvement benefiting school improvement were not associated with school SES. The socioeconomic status of a student's family is identified as a factor that can affect a child's academic performance. According to Gamoran (2007), this inequality is one of the most significant problems faced by . Meta-analysis was employed to summarise empirical findings across studies. Next, meta-regression was performed to examine potential sources of heterogeneity in effect sizes with regards to contextual and methodological variables. Effect sizes from a study that included samples from different countries were separately coded. They are also broadly consistent with Kim and colleagues (Citation2019) meta-analytic findings that student SES effect sizes did not differ between literacy/reading and mathematics/science achievement in developing countries. The third reason why school SES was less associated with instructional programmes is the diversity of data sources for instructional programmes in the studies analysed. Purpose: This article examines the relationship between teacher unionization and the academic performance of students in districts of varying socioeconomic status (SES). This is a trusted computer. The funnel plot of standard errors by effect sizes shows that effect sizes from individual meta-analyses were distributed on both sides of the mean effect size and that there were effect sizes corresponding to studies with different standard errors (Figure 2). Poverty among British children: chronic or transitory? Each project team member then reviewed abstracts of the studies for the four to five-year period that they were responsible for to decide if the studies should be included in the meta-analysis. An investigation of the association between academic optimism of schools and student achievement in primary education,, Does it matter who your schoolmates are? On average, a student who attends a school in which the average socioeconomic status is high enjoys better educational outcomes compared to a student attending a school with a lower average. Future meta-analyses can include earlier studies and studies published in other languages and compare results with those reported in this study. These school leaders may be more self-efficacious and experienced (Brouwer, Citation2018; Smith & Kearney, Citation2013), and they may emphasise student learning (Akay & Karadag, Citation2019) and establish school structures to enhance teaching and learning (Southern, Citation2018). Results, computed from 85 effect sizes, show that r=.35. Restore content access for purchases made as guest, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, 48 hours access to article PDF & online version. Socioeconomic status explained 16.6% and attitude towards science explained 9.8% of the change in the academic achievement in the United Kingdom sample while these values were 21.9% and 14.4% for . school leadership, school climate, teacher capacity) suggests that ethnic minority students may be attending less effective schools (indicative of school segregation) measured in terms of the quality of school leadership, school climate, and teacher capacity (King, Citation2013). The analysis also computed the mean effect size for the association between student-level SES and learning outcomes., Should schools be optimistic? The findings also question the validity of examining school SES effects if these student variables are not included in the research design of primary studies. It should be noted that findings for early childhood-lower secondary, early childhood-upper secondary, primary-upper secondary, and lower secondary-upper secondary school students were based on two to four effect sizes. On the one hand, school SES researchers recognise the importance of school SES and therefore, identify processes underpinning the school SES effect (Akay & Karadag, Citation2019; Li, Citation2018; Mitchell et al., Citation2016; Park et al., Citation2017; Xuan et al., Citation2019; Zhu et al., Citation2019). and Note. Many scholars endeavour to identify processes mediating school SES effects (Reynolds et al., Citation2014). Socio-economic status is a definite background variable that represents a feature of the social structure in society (Oakes & Rossi, 2003). The results offer insights into the predictors of academic achievement and educational inequalities in the context of a developing country. View all Google Scholar citations The mean effect for studies using a combined measure of student achievement and attainment was r=.57 but this finding was based on only two effect sizes. Depren, zer School security: For whom and with what results? Third, the study elucidates plausible reasons to explain why higher-SES school students outperform their peers from lower-SES schools by identifying processes that are associated with school SES. It is therefore unclear how school SES effects vary with different student outcomes an area that is investigated in the present study. Fourth, high-SES schools may have well-designed instructional programmes (comprising coherent curriculum, student-centred pedagogy, and formative assessment; Reynolds et al., Citation2014) that effectively address students learning needs. Second, previous studies suggest that school SES effects may vary with levels of measurement (school, student) of school SES and student outcome variables (Gorard, Citation2006). Specifically, teachers, students, and school officials provided data for school instructional programmes (seven, five, and three effect sizes respectively); these data were used to measure the association between school SES and instructional programmes in the meta-analysis. Content may require purchase if you do not have access. Since the Coleman Report, decades of research have investigated the relationship between school SES and students learning outcomes (Early et al., Citation2020; Kim, Citation2019; Kim et al., Citation2019; Sirin, Citation2005). The present study clarifies if school SES effect sizes reported in studies vary with types and the number of school SES indicators used (i.e. Next, mean effect sizes for achievement (r=.59, k=232) and attainment (r=.39, k=7) were large. Published by Cambridge University Press. The study also did not examine associations between school SES and processes per se; instead, it computed effect sizes on associations between school processes (including school SES) and student learning outcomes. The first was a search of articles published in generalist education journals (American Educational Research Journal, Asia Pacific Education Review, British Educational Research Journal, Cambridge Journal of Education, Educational Studies, Journal of Educational Research, Oxford Review of Education, Research Papers in Education, Teachers College Record), school effectiveness journals (Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, School Effectiveness and School Improvement), and an educational sociology journal (Sociology of Education). Table 2. However, the effect size (r=.31) was much smaller than that for associations between school SES and schools percentage of ethnic minority students (r=-.65) or between school SES and students prior ability (r=.54). A policy tool randomising school admission can be utilised to adjust school socioeconomic status (SES), and it has the potential to compensate students disadvantaged by family socioeconomic status. achievement) in the US vis--vis r=.30 for the relationship between student SES and their learning outcomes. There is evidence that compared to student SES, school SES is more strongly associated with students learning outcomes (OECD, Citation2016; Sirin, Citation2005). Pakingan, Karmia A. "Besides other factors, socio-economic status is one of the most researched and debated factor among educational professionals that contribute towards the academic performance of students. The study also finds that school SES was not associated with other school processes such as instructional programmes, schools educational resources, and parental involvement benefiting students indirectly. In a related study, Holzberger and colleagues (Citation2020) meta-analysis found that, compared to schools climate and material and personnel resources, processes such as schools academic press, classroom climate, instructional practices, and provision of out-of-school student activities had larger effect sizes for secondary school students mathematics and science learning. The finding from the study that there were more ethnic minority students in low-SES schools means that economic and racial segregation may coexist in schools. Some researchers attribute school SES effects to model misspecification (Lauen & Gaddis, Citation2013; Marks, Citation2015; Mickelson et al., Citation2013; Snijders & Bosker, Citation2012; van Ewijk & Sleegers, Citation2010); school SES effects are attenuated if relevant variables are included in analyses of school SES effects. Based on PISA 2018 data, this study investigated the effects of SES and its components on student academic achievement at both the student and school levels in a population of 15-year-old students from Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang (China). The present study uses meta-analysis to synthesise findings involving 480 effect sizes from 97 studies (dated 2000-2020) to provide insights on associations between school socioeconomic status (SES) and (a) student learning outcomes; (b) schools percentage of ethnic minority students and students prior ability; and (c) school processes in K-12 schools. Fifth, high-SES schools may have more effective educational resources (e.g. Socioeconomic status. In a study conducted by Bhat et. Therefore, high-SES school students do not necessarily enjoy better instructional programmes than their peers in low-SES schools. Moreover, the female students performed significantly better than the male students. Various studies reported the same tendencies and further added that high SES groups achieved. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. This finding cautions researchers against committing the ecological fallacy when erroneous individual-level inferences are made from group aggregated data (Robinson, Citation1950). These processes comprise intangible school aspects (school leadership and climate, teacher capacity) and parental involvement directly benefiting student learning. The magnitude of these effects was compared with that computed from another 85 effects (comprising 81 rs and 4 means/standard deviations (comparing high-SES with low-SES students) pertaining to the association between student-level SES and learning outcomes. School socioeconomic status (SES) is studied primarily as a variable to explain academic achievement; however, few previous studies have investigated how SES can influence individual student's academic achievement. These schools may have high levels of expectations and collective responsibility for academic expectations (Mitchell et al., Citation2016); positive relationships among school leaders, teachers, parents, and students (Forsyth et al., Citation2006; Goddard et al., Citation2009); and safe and conducive learning environments (Muijs et al., Citation2014). The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened the effects of socioeconomic status (SES) and wellbeing (WB) on students academic achievement, particularly in developing countries; thus, it becomes necessary to understand the nature of these concurrent relationships. The factors effecting student achievement: Meta-analysis of empirical studies. For example, teachers may have relevant pedagogical and content qualifications, teaching experience, and high levels of teaching self-efficacy (Akay & Karadag, Citation2019; Mitchell et al., Citation2016) and they benefit from school-supported professional development opportunities (Campoli, Citation2011; Fancera & Bliss, Citation2011). The study makes three theoretical contributions. All effects were converted to Fishers z using Borenstein and colleagues (Citation2009) formulas. Two other national-level moderators are GINI (degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country) and education GINI indices (associations between GDP per capita and individuals average years of education) (Ziesemer, Citation2016). In individual studies to be converted to Fishers z using Borenstein and colleagues ( Citation2009 ).! Languages and compare results with those reported in this study investigates the of... 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