You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! UN/Climate Action. This artwork calls people to Change the world and Change climate change, underlining the importance of individual actions to the collective future, Gutirrez-Ruiz explains. Climate Resilience Toolkit. Engage your students in K-12 lessons and multimedia resources related to NASA climate science. The Barbados Sea Turtle Project tags these creatures, measures them and archives and analyses the data for over 30 coordinated projects in the region. Young climate activists take part in demonstrations at the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Your can view projections that have been downscaled to local areas in the Climate Explorer, part of the U.S. More recent projections of future climate are available in Chapter 4 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report and as an interactive atlas. If its future ventures are successful, Tokamak Energy intends to deploy the worlds first commercial nuclear fusion reactor by 2030. Global to Community (G2C) Research Areas. The opposition comes at a time when climate scientists say the world . Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. As part of UN-Habitat's New Urban Agenda, this project developed by Bjarke Ingels Group seeks to respond to the imminent threat of climate change, proposing the creation of the world's first . Although fusion remains a hypothetical source of energy, were getting closer and closer every year. The construction sector is today one of themajor contributors to global warming and the climate crisis. To supply some optimism and show that humanity isnt totally screwed, here are 7 climate change projects that are changing the game. Alameda County Resource Conservation District: Two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to implement climate-resilient management strategies, water-related Best Management Practices, and an economically and ecologically sustainable grazing operation on 6,260 acres of land in the Sunol Regional Wilderness in Alameda County to increase landowners resiliency in the face of current and future drought, as well as other climate change impacts. Using zero waste as a constructive strategy, this project was developed around two highly rapidlydeployable and reusable systems. And they have a critical lens on the role that equity and social justice play in all this. The bank essentially invented the concept of green bonds, a type of security specifically reserved for climate and environmental projects. Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County: Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to accelerate the adoption of on-farm conservation practices in the coastal Pajaro Valley to improve climate change resiliency in agriculture while piloting the development of tools that will assist growers in understanding the risks of climate change to their operations. Disney expects that this plant will produce enough energy to operate two of its four theme parks in central Florida and cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 57,000 tons per year. The initiative is implemented in 127 countries by the UN Development Program (UNDP) which provides technical support to these selected local projects that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing peoples wellbeing and livelihoods. Mar 15, 2023, 9:35 AM. The complete catalogue of EU-funded Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020 and Research FP7 Environment Programme projects can be found in the CORDIS database. Emergency and search-and-rescue teams have deployed to assess and prioritize urgent needs and to provide life-saving assistance following the devastating earthquake near the Trkiye-Syria border. Included in the grants approved today were $3.5 million for theRegionally Advancing [], The State Coastal Conservancy is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Executive Officer, Amy Hutzel. That's the equivalent of adding water from a million Olympic-size swimming pools to the ocean every day for a year and is part of a multidecade trend of rising seas. Share 7 climate change projects that are changing the game on Facebook, Share 7 climate change projects that are changing the game on Twitter, Share 7 climate change projects that are changing the game on LinkedIn. The Canadian company intends to build a commercial-scale negative-emissions facility using funding from a variety of investors, including Bill Gates. This project was a joint effort between the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences and the Stanford Teacher Education Program. This makes sense; a lot of climate change projects are new and use technologies not yet tested at large scales, risk factors that scare investment away. 6 public art projects that make climate change up close and personal Oct 18, 2020 / Gulnaz Khan Share This Idea Image: Courtesy of Mitchell Joachim, Chris Woebken, Oliver Medvedik. Furthermore, aggregated results from European research projects on Climate Change and Environment are presented in thematic articles that are available in Results Packs on CORDIS.. Several other Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 projects have a . Tourism is the backbone of some economies and the source of livelihood for many people, especially those living in developing countries, but if mismanaged, it often puts pressure on natural resources through overconsumption, induces stress on local land use, as well as increases pollution and natural habitat loss. Art is one effective way to provide people with a vision of what the future could look like if we do take action or if we dont. Fortunately, Bank of America has invested $96 billion to date in a variety of sustainable businesses and promises to invest another $125 billion. Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Asia Pacific (Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar) - Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in the Asia-Pacific region. Residential and commercial buildings account for roughly 40% of energy consumption and 30% CO2 emissions in the United States. Appropriated due to thepresent global crisis of energy and climate change, it presents solutions in order to achieve a sustainable development, seeking to upgrade the capability of the currently unorganized construction sector of India, encouraging the transition of buildings with high embodied energy materials to technology and building materials that may reduce the carbon footprint. A three-meter storm surge to such low-lying areas such as Limerick would have devastating effects.. According to data of the United Nations (UN), currently, 36% of the global energy is dedicated to buildings and 8% of all pollutant emissions are caused by the production of concrete alone. This project was developed through funding from NASA's Innovations in Climate Education . Global climate change refers to the rise of earth's temperature, caused by human factors. What has this got to do with climate action? The increase in temperatures and changes in rain patterns due to climate change poses a threat to these ecosystems, as well as mining and infrastructure projects. Here are Possible's 10 ideas in full: 1. Cloud represents disappearing opportunities. The Nature Conservancy: One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to incorporate the Coastal Conservancy-funded Monterey Bay sea level rise study into a cost-benefit analysis of adaptation strategies, improving its applicability to individual planning decisions. Taking into account the impact of climate change and sea-level rise in the last few years, and the coastal erosion and tropical rains that have overloaded the current system, NL Architects developed this project for Makoko school. The Adapting Philippine Agriculture to Climate Change (APA) project aims to shift the country towards a climate-resilient agricultural system and increase climate resilience in rural areas. The Climate Change Resource Center is for resource managers and decisionmakers who need information and tools to address climate change in planning and project implementation. As a species, we have built monuments that have defeated time. The news is full of stories on how the next century will see unbearable heat waves, impossibly strong hurricanes, flooded cities, an ice-free Arctic, and global temperatures reaching up to an average of 10 degrees Celsius hotter than they already are. What is the Willow Project? Whats more, its not always clear how an investor will make their money back. Its easy to feel hopeless when it comes to the climate. Although once again the scientific community has made clear this week that we are not doing enough to limit global warming to the crucial 1.5C threshold, the findings of the latest Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change report, are not all doom, and gloom. Fortunately, humanity is hard at work at keeping temperature increases below the 2 degrees Celsius mark. Learn more about the objectives of the EPA Climate Change website.. EPA is committed to advancing the goals of environmental justice for all . It originates from the greenhouse effect of certain gases in our atmosphere like carbon dioxide (CO 2) or methane (CH 4) that block the escaping heat.The concentration of these gases has risen dramatically by human impact since the mid of the 20 th century, with the burning of fossil fuels (oil and gas . These briefings highlight the significant potential that research, development and deployment in 12 critical areas hold for . On Monday, when President Biden approved ConocoPhillips's $8 billion plan to extract 600 million barrels of oil from federal lands in Alaska, the announcement landed simultaneously with the thud of. Thats where Carbon Engineering comes in. 31. The Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Center, one of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI)'s Low-Carbon Energy Centers, has awarded $900,000 in funding to two new research projects to advance technologies that avoid carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions into the atmosphere and help address climate change.The winning project is receiving $750,000, and an additional project receives $150,000. Their egg-shaped library contains a micro-vault of cryogenically-preserved, or frozen, test tubes, filled with embryonic cells and DNA of rare lifeforms. Save the Bay: One hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred eighteen dollars ($125,918) to restore 1.75 acres of transition zone habitat and complete the acreage on an active transition zone restoration site within the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve for a total of 4.25 restored acres, to increase species resilience to climate change impacts like sea level rise. That we have the power to adapt to change and we have the power to give form to our future". Polls show that just 14.7 percent of Americans disagreed with the Green New Deal as a whole, a level of support that many politicians are responding to. No one project will be the answer to the Earths climate problems. The Watershed Project: Two hundred two thousand two hundred and six dollars ($202,206) to transform a 2,280 sq. Though the Funds projects span the globe, this list features a few initiatives currently improving the future of humankind and wildlife in Latin-America and the Caribbean. Trust for Conservation Innovation: Two hundred thirty five thousand six hundred forty seven ($235,647) to establish demonstration grassland restoration plots in Rush Ranch, Sears Point, and TomKat Ranch, working ranches that have a significant role in conserving coastal resources, and document the restoration technique, inventory and monitor effects, and disseminate and demonstrate results to increase rangeland resilience to climate change impacts. Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors: Sixty-nine thousand eight hundred fifteen dollars ($69,815) to assess the vulnerability of Los Angeles County public beach facilities between Nicholas Canyon in Western Malibu to White Point/Royal Palms Beach in San Pedro and incorporate results into an adaptive management plan that is environmentally sensitive to beach ecology and economically sustainable. City of Arcata: Eighty-six thousand dollars ($86,000) to investigate and design a fringe salt marsh, or living shoreline, to protect City facilities vulnerable to sea level rise, quantify carbon sequestration potential of the fringe salt marsh and existing restored wetlands, and investigate the utility of rolling easements on private lands located adjacent to City-owned resources lands that are available for wetland migration as sea level rise impacts Arcata Bay and lands within the City of Arcata. To support CCH areas of science, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIAID, and other NIH institutes and centers (ICs) issued the following funding opportunities: Barbados is currently home to the second-largest Hawksbill turtle nesting population in the wider Caribbean, with up to 500 females nesting per year. Our projects are guided by a simple, but focused strategy: demystify climate change by presenting localised climate information to as many people as possible, as often as possible. In that film, the fictional chemical CW-7 is sprayed into the atmosphere to reverse climate change, ultimately cooling the planet too much and sending it into an apocalyptic Ice Age. Is it saying too much to say something doesnt exist when you have no evidence either way? According to the UN Environment Programme, or UNEP, in the Amazon, the worlds largest remaining tropical rainforest, deforestation is reducing carbon stocks and altering the regional climate. Next Gen STEM. There are still concerns about what effects there could be, however; for one, even if a large-scale deployment of calcium carbonate would effectively reflect sunlight and cool the planet, it would still be a temporary solution. Entire ecosystems are at risk and developing countries who have contributed the least to climate change will suffer the most if this disastrous trend continues. Nicole Gaudiano. If oceans were a country, they would be the seventh largest economy in the world. Community tourism, on the other hand, is an economic alternative that allows local communities to generate complementary income to their main productive activities and at the same time protect and value the natural and cultural wealth of their territories. SGP grants are made directly to community-based organizations and non-governmental organizations in recognition of the key role they play as a resource and constituency for environment and development concerns. Visit the State of California Nevertheless, its a valuable experiment that may show us a promising albeit last-ditch solution. City of Imperial Beach: Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to assess the vulnerability of natural and built environments along the outer coast of Imperial Beach to sea level rise, storm surge, and erosion, and develop and prioritize feasible strategies to improve resilience. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://7%20climate%20change%20projects%20that%20are%20changing%20the%20game, Carbon Capture Technology Explained | Seachange, commercial-scale negative-emissions facility, The futuristic inventions of the Islamic Golden Age, 5 questions to help you assess the ethics of future innovations, Cosmic rays passing through Great Pyramid help reveal hidden corridor, German scientists 3D print objects with acoustic holograms, Atheism is inconsistent with science, says Dartmouth physicist Marcelo Gleiser. The three Mayan solar engineers who are bringing electricity to rural villages in Belize. Council for Watershed Health: One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to evaluate stormwater capture potential and identify feasible catchments for stormwater infiltration and recommend best management practices for groundwater recharge throughout the coastal watersheds in Los Angeles County. The facility will suck CO2 out of the atmosphere to either store it underground, where it cant affect the atmosphere anymore, or to convert it into carbon-neutral fuel. Orange County Coastkeeper: Two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to plan and implement a restoration and monitoring program of the native Olympia oyster and eelgrass in an innovative Living Shoreline design in Southern California, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of innovative habitat p. 5 restoration to provide shoreline protection, with greater ecological benefits than traditional shoreline stabilization techniques. Although the Green New Deal was rejected in the U.S. Senate in March 2019, the mere fact that it existed at all is cause for optimism. Highway 37 and the San Pablo Baylands: The Conservancy is providing regional leadership to the State Route (SR) 37 Baylands Group through a technical assistance grant to the Sonoma Land Trust under the Conservancys Climate Ready Program. The vanishing ice in Arctic and Antarctica may seem faraway to many people, but for photographer Camille Seaman, currently based in Limerick, Ireland, glacial melt and sea-level rise are close by. Extreme weather conditions are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the impact of global warming. Learn more about this activity at Kid Minds. Bay Area Ridge Trail Council: Sixty-three thousand dollars ($63,000) to explore, test, and document best practices to leverage the potential of trails and transit to reduce greenhouse gases by evaluating trail and transit connections in the southern San Francisco Bay Area. The idea is that the structures host different uses, but above all a community of floating houses. According to Ingels, "The only constant in the universe is change. As an initial step towards this goal, Disney recently opened a 270-acre, 50-megawatt solar facility in Florida. San Francisco International Airport: Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to assess the vulnerability of San Francisco International Airport and its neighbors to flooding from sea level rise and storms along the Bay shoreline focusing on San Bruno Creek and Colma Creek and to prepare an adaptation/mitigation plan with alternative conceptual adaptation strategies including nature-based solutions, as feasible. For some people, climate change can be an abstract concept, especially if theyre living somewhere that hasnt experienced serious effects yet. Artist Lope Gutirrez-Ruiz wanted to show Texans that they are standing at a crossroads between two futures, so he designed a unique mural that changes color as it gets hotter. About Climate Fellows. The study found on average that cities are warming by a rate of 0.56C a decade during the day and 0.43C a decade at night. Development Projects : Climate Change Adaptation Project - P153301. A non-invasive method for looking inside structures is solving mysteries about the ancient pyramid. Gen Z congressman Maxwell Frost calls out Biden for breaking climate promise to young voters that helped him win in 2020. Rep. Maxwell Frost. A National Climate Helpline A telephone and digital helpline offering information on climate change, support for anyone struggling with climate . A project in Uganda sends weather-related information to 100,000 farmers using mobile phones, helping them to plan in the face of changing climate conditions. Find her @gulnazkhan, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), 6 public art projects that make climate change up close and personal. County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation: One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to create a model park landscape at Eugene A. Obregon park by planting native drought-tolerant trees, creating a demonstration garden, constructing bio-retention basins and vegetated swales, and replacing the approximately 30,000 square foot dark asphalt parking lot with permeable pavement and other improvements in East Los Angeles to sequester greenhouse gases and mitigate the urban heat island effect, in addition to other benefits. The Barbados Sea Turtle Project, based at the University of the West Indies Campus, is the home of the regional Marine Turtle Tagging Centre and the wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network. Projects - Climate Change Projects Completed Projects Current Projects Pipeline Projects Project Name Climate Resilience Sector Program (CRSP) The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) Initial National Communication (INC) Second National Communication (SNC) Third National Communication (TNC) Many of these populations have been displaced from their lands due to the socioeconomic crisis in the country, as well as the presence of armed groups and illegal mining activities. Its rare that a big bank does anything as a force for good, but thats what Bank of America is doing with its Environmental Business Initiative. Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, doesnt carry the risk of a meltdown, produces waste whose radioactivity is short-lived, and it has the potential to produce unbelievable amounts of energy. Save the planet. Marin Resource Conservation District: Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to develop and implement action plans and beneficial practices for carbon farms as well as select three demonstration carbon farms, which utilize aerobically composted agricultural waste to enhance rangeland and rancher resiliency to climate change while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering carbon. This project, in particular, is interesting and inspiring, as it is led by women it supports the fight against climate change, since its purpose is to conserve the Amazon Forest as the main carbon sink in southern Venezuela, working hand in hand with native communities, valuing their traditions and protecting their ancestral habitat, explains national SGP coordinator Alexis Bermdez. Fortunately, the Harvard researchers dont plan on coating the planet in calcium carbonate since this is real life, and not a film, theyll perform controlled experiments using just a few hundred grams of the material. UNEP has assisted over 75 projects on climate change adaptation in over 50 countries. GitHub - KKulma/climate-change-data: A curated list of APIs, open data and ML/AI projects on climate change KKulma / climate-change-data Public Notifications Fork 69 Star 433 Insights master 1 branch 0 tags julian-st updated links ( #15) a804c03 on Oct 5, 2022 35 commits updated links ( #15) 5 months ago (Go here to see and learn more about all of the artists and their works.). It has its own Small Grants Program (SGP) which grants of up to $50,000 directly to local communities including indigenous peoples, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups investing in projects related to healing our planet. A powerful connection: Education and climate change . It is estimated that 70,000 Irish addresses are at risk of coastal flooding by 2050, she explains. At the end of the virtual training, participants visited community tourism experiences in Costa Rica where the programme has been promoting rural tourism for 20 years and has established a robust institutional framework. Climate Science STEM Toolkit. Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users. Seaman has traveled to both the North and South Poles, where she has captured the ice in photographs and video to viscerally show us whats happening there and whats headed our way. Globally, species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. County of Santa Barbara: Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) to model future coastal hazards and their potential impacts and identify adaptation strategies to reduce these vulnerabilities. NIAID already funds more than 40 ongoing research projects that are directly relevant to understanding and mitigating the health impact of climate change. The cellular membrane once taken down can be reused for other functions. Who We Are. Understanding and addressing climate change is critical to EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment. The Bay Foundation: Sixty eight thousand eight hundred thirty three dollars ($68,833) to conduct a kelp forest hydrodynamics study that will quantify the effects of kelp forests on wave energy and current flow before and after restoration of 60 acres of rocky reef habitat from urchin barrens to valuable fish habitat consisting primarily of kelp forests. He said that the current state of climate change with temperatures on track to rise 2.8 C by 2100 means fossil fuel projects that contribute only a small percentage to overall greenhouse . TIDE is a 15-foot-tall champagne glass pyramid. They can jump in on designing solutions. Of the image, she says, It points to the reality of climate disaster that has become all too clear on the West Coast and the need for significant change now. The illustration, on display until the end of October, features a graph of music notes that get progressively longer and redder until we can no longer see where they end a plea to act on climate change before our planet reaches an irreversible tipping point. By Evan Bush and Denise Chow. They are learning how to manage crops of cocoa, cupuau, manaca and tpiro (all amazon native plants) as well as how to transform their fruits into pulp, chocolates, baskets and other products. Ahead of the UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow last year, the Royal Society sought wide-ranging input from the global scientific community to produce the Climate change: science and solutions briefings. In addition, some natural consequences of the campus set-up are the reduction of journeys by integrating work and living spaces, coordinating community and infrastructure, as well as the adoption ofclean mobility options like e-vehicles for external contact. Colombia's paramos, tundra ecosystems in the Andes mountains that are above the forest line but below the snowline, occupy just 1.7 per cent of the national territory, yet they produce 85 per cent of its drinking water. Are 7 climate change is critical to EPA & # x27 ; s mission of human. Multimedia resources related to NASA climate science, species are disappearing at an rate! The health impact of global warming to transform a 2,280 sq variety of investors, including Bill Gates ;. A critical lens on the role that equity and social justice play in all this two highly and... To EPA & # x27 ; s 10 ideas in full: 1 is committed advancing... 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