INTRODUCTION The topic of social power is quite complex and has been described by many different sociological and psychological theories. Pierre Chandon, INSEAD, France. Previous works have offered a variety of definitions of social power and influence (Pollard and Mitchell, 1972). Don E. Dulany, Jr., "Hypotheses and Habits in Verbal Operant Conditioning," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63 (September, 1961), 251-263. The followers' skills and abilities and the nature of the task itself affect the leader's influence. Thus, these values suggest that even though the items were designed and rated by judges to be measuring the same concept, the "common" portion of the items account for at best 52.9% of the item scores' variance. Geert Hofstede, in one of the most thorough empirical surveys on cross-cultural influences on work-related values, delineated marked differences in what he called power distance.. Social power is "the potential influence of one person over another" (Cartwright and Zander, p. 316). Bertram H. Raven, Richard Centers, and Aroldo Rodrigues, "The Bases of Conjugal Power," in R. E. Cromwell and D. H. Olson (eds.) This definition of referent power derives from the idea of soft power. Thus, six ANOVAs were run one for each power base. Helena Leet-Pellegrini and Jeffrey Z. Rubin, "The Effects of Six Bases of Power Upon Compliance, Identification, and Internalization," Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 3 (January, 1974), 63-70. McClelland's studies of leadership (1975) empirically determined that the need for power was the basis of organizational relationships formed around work. For the expert situations, it was difficult to generate a situation free of informational power. 20 The Bases of Social Power. These internalized values may reflect cultural values and norms, group norms, or role prescriptions. Russell W. Belk, York University, Canada, Romain Cadario, IESEG School of Management For each power basis, two situations were selected which depicted that social power base; (4) Subjects assumed the role of the influencee in a situation and responded to multiple items reflecting each basis of power; (5) Items reflecting each social power basis were analyzed to determine the most reliable items for the final scale; (6) Power base scores across situations were compared as a check on predictive validity. B's anticipation of A's reaction is sufficient for A to have power. [Kelley's "comparison function" (1952) of a reference group is consistent with this power basis. Traces the history and background of the analysis of the basis of power, beginning with its origins in the works of K. Lewin and his followers. The consistency between the scale values and situations suggest that the scales have reasonable predictive validity. Bertram H. Raven, "Social Influence and Power," in I. D. Steiner and M. Fishbein (eds.) These constructs were the French and Raven bases of social power which have been widely cited and used in much of the social power literature. Finally, since A's knowledge of B's compliance is necessary in order for B to be rewarded, B will want to relate his compliance to A and maintain A's surveillance of B's behavior. 11 (November 1995): 7378. The managerial style hindered their ability to effectively supervise employees or to garner the respect they were seeking. These items were given to six judges [I wish to thank George Belch, James Bettman, Harold Kassarjian, Richard Lutz, Michael Munson, and Bertram Raven for their assistance and helpful comments.] Yet evidence suggests wide variation in whether perceptions of status and power are highly correlated versus relatively distinct. FIGURE 1 SELECTED SITUATION SCENARIOS Procedure The final instrument consisted of one scenario and the 85 test items which were arranged in random order. Using the three highest loading items for each of the six French and Raven power bases results in a scale of reasonable total length and acceptable levels of internal consistency. We defined social power as "potential influence," which we should note. Dorwin Cartwright, ed. In short, authority and power are intertwined, with power being the ability to do things or have others do what one has ordered, while authority is the foundation on which that power is built., "Leadership Styles and Bases of Power Power Bases and Attribution in Three Cultures. The Journal of Social Psychology 143, no. Some of the assumptions which underlie the Likert procedure are: (1) the concept being measured is unidimensional; (2) the intervals between adjacent responses are equal; (3) the intervals are equal across items; and (4) a "positive" direction can be determined for each item (Runkle and McGrath, 1972, p. 314). They were also informed that if they felt that they could not perform the task in a conscientious manner, to please return the questionnaire unmarked or incomplete. To aid in the understanding of these aspects, this paper has attempted to provide a first step in the development of reliable and valid measures for the bases of social power. (February 22, 2023). Another method of operationalizing social power in an experimental design is via a cartoon representation (Leet-Pellegrini and Rubin, 1974, Raven, 1973). Each leadership style can be appropriate depending on the environment within which it is implemented, the members of the group (employees), and the goals or tasks that are being undertaken by the group. The second panel depicted a police officer saying to the young adult, "Would you please move away form here." (Cartwright, 1959, p. 205) These motive bases were described by French and Raven (1959) and Raven (1965) as being composed of six different types--reward, coercive, referent, legitimate, expert and informational. Crosby, Philip B. Power does not exclusively refer to the threat or use of force by one actor against another, but may also be exerted through diffuse means (such as institutions).Power may also take structural forms, as it orders actors in relation to one another . IJ Abstract Affective organizational commitment reflects the extent to which organizational members are loyal and willing to work toward organizational objectives (Meyer & Allen, 1997). an impressively learned, wise and judicious study. The bases of social power. A high level of content validity for this scale was sought by generating and selecting items which represented clear theoretical constructs. However, the "normative function" of a reference group is analogous to the reward and coercion power bases discussed above. The five bases of power are used to stimulate behaviors in subordinates to produce productivity. Fiedler suggested that the most successful leadership outcome is a result of matching the leader to the situation. Out of the Crisis. was very similar to Lewin's . The third panel to be selected operationalized different bases of power (e.g., (Reward) "If you do, I will keep it in mind--there are ways that I can help you," (Legitimate) "I'm asking you to do this as a part of my job.") While the face validity of these items appears to be high, the authors presented no information on the reliability and validity of these measures. Specifically it will review the French and Raven conceptualization of social power, previous operationalizations and then present the development of an instrument to operationalize social power. (French and Raven, 1959, p. This section will first briefly review the overall "goodness of fit" for the uni-factor scales. Reward. Encyclopedia of Management. Such checks were not presented in the Leet-Pellegrini and Rubin study. Social power is majorly associated with politics. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 2010. French and Raven also suggest that the amount of influence from this power base will depend on the subjective probability of reward for conformity, minus the subjective probability of obtaining the reward for nonconformity. Referent power, involving identification of P with O, will tend to have the broadest range. The item also was not classified as an indicator in the other categories a total of 3 or more times (either within another category or over several categories.). Abstract: Workplace discrimination, harassment, exclusion, and incivility incidents are often subtle in nature but can nonetheless have deleterious impacts on targets (Zurbrgg a Since the "power of the powerless" situation (#4) is a rather unique example of legitimate power, many of the legitimate SP scale items were inappropriate. There is a need for more valid and reliable measures of social power. Rejecting the conventional monolithic concept of a 'society', Dr. Mann's model is instead one of a series of overlapping, intersecting power networks. In short, U.S. employees are likely to identify with managers by personally liking them and feeling liked in return, whereas Argentine and Mexican employees are likely to identify with managers by respecting them and feeling respected in return. . Williams, P R The concept of leadership, like that of general intelligence, has largely lost its value for the social sciences, although it remains indispensable t, referent power In one of the many available typologies of power, J. R. P. French and and B. Raven (The Bases of Social Power, in D. Cartwright ( ed, Power This analysis might provide insights into the reasons why one referent is more influential than another. Although there has been considerable research on social power and the French and Raven bases, there has been little to improve the operationalizations of these concepts. Positional Power Sources Legitimate Power A president, prime minister or monarch has legitimate power. The Power of Power, James G. March (1966). The effectiveness of the experimental treatments is often not verified by manipulation check measures. The former choice weakens the manager's authority over time, while the latter weakens the organization's effectiveness over time. The five bases of power: Legitimate arises from the belief that a person has the formal right to make demands, and to expect others to be compliant and obedient. Often, content and other types of validity for the items are assumed. Referent power derives from employees' respect for a manager and their desire to identify with or emulate him or her. Donn Byrne and Don Nelson, "Attraction as a Linear Similarity," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, (June, 1965), 659-663. John Schopler and Nicholas Bateson, "The Power of Dependence,'' Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2 (1965), 247-254. Accordingly one finds in political science, in sociology, and in social psychology a variety of distinctions among different types of social power or among qualitatively different . A quality democratic leader recognizes each member's strengths and effectively elicits the best performance from each member, all the while guiding and leading effectively. From this one might suggest that either the concept of referent power, the method of operationalization, or the manipulation check measures be revised. For the assessment of predictive validity, criterion measures were created by generating scenarios which clearly depicted a given basis of social power. The Sources of Social Power The Sources of Social Power Search within full text Get access Cited by 1438 Volume 1: A History of Power from the Beginning to AD 1760 Michael Mann, London School of Economics and Political Science Publisher: Cambridge University Press Online publication date: December 2009 Print publication year: 1986 If the scales are actually measuring their respective power bases and the situations truly depict a given power base situation, then one would expect that significant differences in the power scores should occur across the situations. Article summary and critique: French and Raven (1959) Essentially, the article written by French and Raven (1959) suggests a direct relationship between the bases of O's power and the perception one may have of that source of power. A full citation (called the reference) in the reference list at the end of a paper. A challenge for the democratic leader is to recognize that not all tasks need to be handled by the group; that the leader should appropriately address some issues alone. Steensma, H., and F. van Milligen. Soberon, E. please confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE THEORY. While this cartoon method provides an alternative to the film presentation of Busch and Wilson, the need for manipulation checks remains. Focuses on 2 questions: Why do people from 1 social group oppress and discriminate against people from other groups? Loadings greater than 0.5 were obtained for most of these items. Referent Power. The degree of expert power is a function of the amount of knowledge the influencee has and the degree to which the knowledge or skills of the influencer are appropriate for a given situation. Following the introductory statement: Now, there are many cases where your wife/husband asks you to do something and you do it, even though you may not see clearly why it should be done. The required time for completion of this task ranged between 15 and 20 minutes. variet y o f distinction s amon g differen t type s o f socia l powe r o r amon . | All rights reserved. An important aspect in the development of the scenarios was the need to generate situations which clearly depicted only one type of social power. Another perspective on the measurement of social power is provided by Raven, Centers and Rodrigues (1975). The topic of social power is quite complex and has been described by many different sociological and psychological theories. Often, content and other types of validity for the items are assumed. Prior to the distribution of the test instrument the subjects were asked to participate in a social science research project and were told that their participation was completely voluntary. Coercive Power 3. Int J Psychol. When reward power is used in a flexible manner, it can prove to be a strong motivator, as Crosby, Deming, and others have shown. The third basis for social power is referent power, which results largely from the influencee's feelings of identification with the influencer and desire to maintain similarity with the influencer. Coercive, legitimate, reward, referent, and expert are the five types of power. As power is a core concept inseparable from the ontology of social exchange theory (Blau 1964), it is clearly an important variable to be considered in the study of behavioral relationships between social actors operating within a marketing system. Leadership is influencing the performance of group members toward the achievement of organiza, Delegation is the process of giving decision-making authority to lower-level employees. For the expertise SP scale the item loadings were consistently high and the alpha values were equally acceptable. Paul Busch and David T. Wilson, "An Experimental Analysis of a Salesman's Expert and Referent Bases of Social Power in the Buyer-Seller Dyad," Journal of Marketing Research, 13 (February, 1976), 3-11. This brief review has illustrated the most common methods of operationalizing the French and Raven bases of social power and their shortcomings. Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. You can save your searches here and later view and run them again in "My saved searches". The in-text citation lets the reader know that the information came from the cited source. A Likert scale development format was used for this study and included the following major steps: (1) A large pool of belief statements which reflect different characteristics of a social power situation was generated; (2) Judges rated these items to select those which clearly indicate a particular type of power: (3) Influence situations were generated and judged for use as standards for scale development. The strength of the coercive power depends on the magnitude of punishment times the difference between the probability of punishment for nonconformity and the probability of punishment for conformity. The third panel to be selected operationalized different bases of power (e.g., (Reward) "If you do, I will keep it in mind--there are ways that I can help you," (Legitimate) "I'm asking you to do this as a part of my job.") gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Victor, David A. Knights, David, and Darren McCabe. ----------------------------------------, Advances in Consumer Research Volume 6, 1979 Pages 340-346, John L. Swasy (student), University of California, Los Angeles. Cartwright (1959) reconceptualized power not as the quotient but as "the maximum strength of the resultant force which A can set in that direction at that time" (Cartwright, 1959, p. 193). This replication of situation treatments was intended to ensure that the scales developed from this research would have some degree of generalizability. This scaling procedure implies a "single common factor" model (Green, 1954). 2 (2003): 113134. The six judges rated thirty-six situations for each type of influence on a 1 to 5 scale having end points of "does not depict this type of power" and "clearly depicts this type of social power." Effects of nonverbal behaviro on perceptons of a female employee 's power bases. Referent Power 5. The significant F ratios and the higher mean scores for the appropriate situations suggest that the scales and situations were good operationalizations of the power constructs. Social bases of power in a maximum-security prison. Darwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander, Group Dynamics (New York: Harper and Row, 1968), 266. And Rodrigues ( 1975 ) the broadest range psychological theories later view and run them again in `` saved! Free: the Art of Making quality Certain the reward and coercion power.! Film presentation of Busch and Wilson, the `` normative function '' 1952! 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