The number of articles reporting study contexts. To date, there appears to be little research on the effectiveness of mitigation measures applied to mining projects to achieve the desired mitigation outcome, and we are not aware of any synthesis of the effectiveness of metal mining oriented mitigation measures that considers impacts on both society and the environment. The irony here is that non-miners are mostly affected by these environmental impacts than the miners themselves. An updated search of Web of Science Core Collection databases (see Table 2) in June 2021 revealed 2440 records from 2019 to 2021. Int J. 2017;6(1):11. This paper explores the mining sector's impacts on forests, and the potential for 'forest-smart' mining policies and practices to support deforestation-free mineral supply chains. Polar lessons learned: long-term management based on shared threats in Arctic and Antarctic environments. The impacts that are considered as positive like employment and development projects of the community, which are considered as important but the potential negatives cannot be set-off by them (Goudie, 2018).The negative effects of mining Industry on the environment are water pollution, biodiversity loss, air pollution, and erosion of soil and . No team member was permitted to review their own work. . Nilsson AE, et al. First, there is a need for more r esearch to. By some estimates, itmakes up nearly 45%of the total global economy, and mineral production continues to increase as demand for raw materials grows around the world.. Across all articles, the most commonly reported outcome category was metal concentration (n=357), followed by water quality (n=104) and species biomass or distribution (n=102) (see Fig. Examples of negative impacts include loss of jobs and local identities [24], while positive impacts may include opportunities for new economic activities [25], for example through repurposing of mines into tourist attractions. Impacts of lead/zinc mining and smelting on the environment and human health in China. Moiseenko TI, et al. Abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of mines can also cause significant environmental impacts, for example soil and water contamination [e.g. We also thank Mistra EviEM for co-funding the first Advisory Group meeting and publication fees for the systematic map protocol. Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: the case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake. ROSES RepOrting standards for Systematic evidence syntheses: pro forma, flow-diagram and descriptive summary of the plan and conduct of environmental systematic reviews and systematic maps. Social and . Consequently, the exploitation and mining of lithium has generated much interest from various sectors of industry and society. Location terms were supplemented by collating names for all known mines in boreal and Arctic regions. 10, demonstrating that the most common comparator was a reference site/population (n=254), followed by background values (n=149). Yellow blocks indicate the stages were reported in the same article. Challenges and opportunities in the phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated soils: a review. The nature of impact. Specialist searches (see below) were performed in other languages. Since the proposed National Instrument 51-107 Disclosure of Climate-related Matters and its Companion Policy 51-107CP Disclosure of Climate-related Matters (collectively, the "Proposed Instrument") was released by the Canadian Securities Administrators (the "CSA") on October 18, 2021, participants from the mining sector have noted that the Proposed Instrument, as currently drafted . New York: Springer; 2018. p. 21328. A consistency check was also conducted prior to screening articles at full-text on 69 articles. In the introduction, I mentioned that mining activities started over 100 years ago, especially small scale mining activities. Eligible intervention/exposure We included all impacts (positive, negative, direct and indirect) associated with any aspect of metal mining and its mitigation measures. Google Scholar. We have visualised this using a bespoke radial bubble plot that clusters outcomes across the hierarchy and show the volume of evidence at each level. Such studies will require approaches that take the whole social-ecological-technological system into account [66], while filling such more holistically-oriented studies with details on specific aspects will require the types of research reviewed in this paper. Produced using the R package ROSES_flowchart [51]. Calgary: University of Calgary Press; 2011. p. 377420. A list of articles that could not be retrieved at full text is available in Additional File 6. The most obvious (and arguably least serious) impact of mining is its visual, or aesthetic, impact. Veiga MM, Hinton JJ. An interactive version is available at the project website; Avango D, et al. In conclusion, hosted mining has a significant environmental impact, with concerns ranging from energy consumption and carbon footprint to e-waste and water usage. Based on our analysis of the evidence base, we also suggest the following topics where there appear to be evidence gaps that warrant further primary research: Studies on earlier stages of resource extraction prior to operationfrom prospecting to construction, Research on the effectiveness of mitigation measures (including how things function), Research employing quasi-experimental (e.g. At this point, we felt consistency was as high as possible, and a continued conservative approach was applied to screening of the remaining abstracts. Articles more commonly reported multiple stages following resource extraction activities (decommissioning/closure, post-closure, remediation and abandonment), than earlier stages., DOI: ConceptualisationNRH; methodologyNRH; softwareNRH; formal analysisNRH; investigationJJT, AS, CA, NRH; data curationJJT, NRH; writingoriginal draftNRH; writingreview and editingNRH, AS, JJT, CA, SJC, ARN, PL; visualisationNRH; supervisionJJT; project administrationNRH, JJT; funding acquisitionNRH, AEN. One of the effects of mining on the environment is erosion. However for the purpose of oil mining, Mine has been defined as all boreholes, oil wells and petroleum . All data, code and functions are available on GitHub as an Open Source/Open Data resource here; Natural Resources Forum; 2002: Wiley Online Library. Dale B, et al. The impact of mining operations on the environment. Chapter A long exposure to this can cause black lung disease which could destroy your lungs. 2022;11(1):17. Neal R. Haddaway. Potential leaks and spills of fuel and toxic products also contribute to pollution. data type), and the measured outcomes. Reduction of acid rock drainage. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Abandoned artisanal gold mines in the Brazilian Amazon: a legacy of mercury pollution. Conclusions: The is a substantial difference in environmental impacts between the two mining systems: the quantified total environmental impact was 1.0 10 points for the open-pit mine and 2.4 10 points for the alluvial mine. the most commonly reported system was biodiversity (39%), followed by water (34%), societies (20%), and soil/geology (6%), with air the least common (1%). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2016. Some 218 articles did not report the type of mine. This paper provides an exposition on the environmental impacts of mining activities in Ghana. The evidence base for research on the environmental and social impacts of mining has grown over recent years. Mining in the Arctic has generally intensified: for example, whilst the number of mines in Sweden has decreased substantially over the last 100years, from a peak of >260 in 1917 to just 12 in 2019, the volume of production has conversely increased from<5m tonnes to 86.5m tonnes over the same period [37]. Coding and meta-data extraction then proceeded with one reviewer (AS). Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining mitigation measures on socialecological systems in Arctic and boreal regions: a systematic map. The majority of articles focused on Canada (n=317), followed by Russia (n=84) and Sweden (n=72). Polar Geogr. There is thus an urgent need for transparent and robust approaches to collate and describe the nature of research evidence on the environmental and social impacts of mining and its mitigation measures. Similarly, the different stakeholders of the mining industry see the environmental impact of a mining operation in varied perspectives. Cite this article. Knobblock EA, Pettersson . Saariniemi J. Eligible study type We included both primary empirical research and secondary research (reviews were catalogued in a separate database). Kabir H, Bilgi C. Ontario gold miners with lung cancer: occupational exposure assessment in establishing work-relatedness. J Environ Sci Eng. However, there is little published research on the topic [38]. In: Frank-Kamenetskaya OV, Panova EG, Yu Vlasov D, editors. This corresponded to 902 lines of data on impact or mitigation pathways. Water pollution effect on population health in an industrial northern region. The negative impacts of mineral extraction on the environment also depend to a large extent on the type of mining exploitation , fundamentally distinguishing two types of mines: underground mines and open-pit mines. The long-term effects of nuclear energy on the environment and human health must carefully be considered, however. Conclusion: studying the social and cultural impacts of extreme extraction in Northern Alberta. Monitoring and evaluation of impact assessments are large gaps in mining legislation and research, and this should be addressed with a clear demand for impact assessment evaluation from decision-makers. Phytoremediation of contaminated land is also an active research area [31]. Sand minimg from rivers and marine ecosystems, leads to "significant environmental impacts, including coastal and river erosion, shrinking deltas, land-use changes, air pollution, salinization of coastal aquifers and groundwater reserves, threats to freshwater and marine fisheries and biodiversity," says the UNEP. volume11, Articlenumber:30 (2022) The mining sector in Ghana consists of both small-scale and large-scale mining, each of which has varying environmental impacts. Additionally, alternative mining systems are suitable comparators. Following deduplication, 32,342 unique records were screened at title level and 5079 at abstract level. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Environ Earth Sci. Supplementary searches In addition, we (Adrienne Smith [AS] and Brooke Etherington [BE]) hand searched reference sections of relevant included articles and 47 randomly selected relevant literature reviews which accounted for 30% of the relevant reviews identified in the searching (see Additional File 2). Groundwater quality was the most common factor mitigated (n=57), followed by soil surface quality (n=13) and flora species groups (n=11). Records for which any doubt remained were included to be conservative. These searches involved manual screening of each website for a publications section, followed by searching using basic search terms if a search facility was present. Extracting home in the oil sands. The Benefits of Bitcoin Mining for the Planet. Ecol Eng. Prior to screening abstracts, all reviewers conducted a consistency checking procedure in EPPI-Reviewer to ensure consistent and repeatable decisions were being made among reviewers in regards to which records were deemed eligible. Polar Geogr. Background Mining can directly and indirectly affect social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative ways, and may result in societal benefits, but may also cause conflicts, not least in relation to land use. In addition, "mining gold produces much more unwanted rock than does mining other minerals" and "The mining watchdog group Earthworks estimates that a standard 18-karat wedding band leaves behind 20 tons of ore and waste rock" (Rastogi, "Production of Gold has Many Negative Environmental Effects"). Many of these commodities are found in critical forest landscapes, placing forests at increased risk as demand for minerals increases. 2016;126:11121. Rovaniemi: fi= Lapin yliopisto| en University of Lapland; 2018. It is executed in extensive land areas, creating large diameter craters and deepening as the process progresses. Outcome Any and all outcomes observed in social and environmental systems described in the literature were iteratively identified and catalogued. It is hoped that the conclusion of this study will enable Nigeria to put in place and enforce certain minimum environmental standards for solid mineral exploration and exploitation. Similarly, a total of 473 articles reported data from environmental systems, whilst 112 reported data from social systems. The broader 3MK project aims to develop a multiple evidence base methodology [46] combining systematic review approaches with documentation of Indigenous and local knowledge and to apply this approach in a study of the impacts of metal mining and impacts of mitigation measures. With efforts to move away from fossil fuels, demand for minerals to support green energy technologies is expected to increase. Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide, Eugene, Oregon. Third World Quarterly. Mining operations have a significant impact on the environment, and today's world is increasingly aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions in order to mitigate climate change. The politics of planning: assessing the impacts of mining on Sami lands. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. All inclusion criteria were used at title, abstract, and full text screening. Studies were separated by line if the intervention impacted different systems (populations) within the same article. Top 5 Environmental Impacts of Aluminum. Impacts of mercury contaminated mining waste on soil quality, crops, bivalves, and fish in the Naboc River area, Mindanao Philippines. BiogenicAbiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems. Karvinen PA, Rantakallio S. Good practices for environmental impact assessment and meaningful engagement in the Arcticincluding good practice recommendations. 2019. The most commonly reported factors were individual fauna species (n=116), water sediment quality (n=104) and surface water quality (n=104). Pollution of water in the surrounding water bodies due to leaching from overburden dumps and due to the pollutants from the other activities. We have synthesised these variables along with other meta-data. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory; 1982. Lithium is highly desirable given its light weight and its ability to store high amounts of energy. CAS Such infrastructure, together with accompanying institutions, can indeed create new social-technological mega-systems [11,12,13]. Articles found by other means (i.e., organisational websites and review references) were screened at title and abstract and full-text but were not included in consistency checks. roads, ports, railway tracks, power lines) may affect migratory routes of animals and worsen habitat fragmentation [9, 10]. Google Scholar. While its resulting products and resources are now common, the mining process has negative environmental and social impacts. Release into the environment. Pullin A, Frampton G, Livoreil B, Petrokofsky G. Guidelines and Standards for evidence synthesis in environmental management Version 5.0. We searched multiple bibliographic databases and organisational websites for relevant research using tested search strategies. environmental effects on the air, water and soils. Macura B, et al. 2013;21(1):327. measured impacts) observed in social, technological and environmental systems were included. 2019;8(1):111. Coding variables and meta-data within these domains were then compiled in a partly iterative process, expanding the range of options as they were encountered during scoping and extraction. To view a copy of this licence, visit Invitations to be included in this group were based on an initial stakeholder/rightsholder mapping process and soliciting expressions of interest (see Stakeholder Engagement Methodology Document, BACI) and experimental (e.g. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. A methodology for systematic mapping in environmental sciences. Extr Ind Soc. Deep sea mining is a practice that got quite popular over the past decades since it may be a suitable complement to conventional mining activities. Social and environmental systems in Arctic and boreal regions are particularly sensitive to impacts from development for numerous reasons, not least of which are the reliance of Indigenous peoples on subsistence livelihoods and long recovery times of fragile ecosystems. No research was identified from Iceland. This lack of rigorous synthesis represents a significant knowledge gap in the face of the continued promotion and expansion of resource extraction in the region. article publication year), then on the study systems (i.e. and environmental systems in circumpolar Arctic and boreal regions. A total of 1,655 abstracts were screened by 4 reviewers as follows. Note some articles report multiple stages. Environmental impacts of mining Optimised scheduling combines with full life cycle analysis to quantify and reduce the environmental impacts of planned mines and monitor those in production. This list is based on frequently studied higher level categories (the top 3 affected components and factors). Sci Total Environ. J Occup Med 1993; 35(12):12037. 1. operation of mines in Canada), research commissioners should consider whether funding and resources are best placed filling gaps than providing more research on a well-studied topic. Prospecting, exploration, construction, expansion, and decommissioning/closure were studied far less frequently (n=17). The production of lithium also requires a great deal of water, which can disrupt local . Heat map showing the number of articles across countries and extraction stages. 2014;41:915. Dudka S, Adriano DC. 3 The infections/diseases among residents are related to mining activities. 2019;64:101477. Figure4 displays a choropleth for the number of articles included in the map from across eligible countries. Following full-text screening of articles, relevant studies were extracted from the included articles: where multiple studies were reported within one article they were entered as independent lines in the database. Bergverksstatistik 2019 (Statistics of the Swedish Mining Industry 2019). The extraction of mineral resources makes the mining sector important to many industries, from our use of metals to lithium for batteries to power our devices. AMD causes severe social and environmental impacts. Haddaway NR, et al. Environ Monit Assess. Mining adversely affects the environment by inducing loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and contamination of surface water, groundwater, and soil. However, evidence on base metal mining impacts in Arctic and Boreal regions was strongly felt to be globally relevant to the review, and as such, the geographic scope of evidence considered was pan-Arctic/Boreal. Guidebook for evaluating mining project EIAs. We also tentatively suggest subtopics where the number of studies could allow systematic reviews: operation, post-closure, and abandonment stages; individual faunal species, surface water quality, water sediment quality; and, groundwater mitigation measure effectiveness. Fortunately, there is some hope that mining will become more sustainable in the future. Loayza N, Rigolini J. Conclusion. Terms and Conditions, The local impact of mining on poverty and inequality: evidence from the commodity boom in Peru. Given the regions geological features and expectations of growing global demand for metals, resource extraction already dominates discourse on development here and is likely to continue to do so for the near future. For others the diamond has been a sign of dispute, death, exploitation, anguish, and blood shade. In addition to identifying critical knowledge gaps, the mapping and potential updates of the map thus serve as an important resource for more holistic environmental and social impact assessment that will be essential for (1) protecting the environment, (2) ensuring that the local social consequences of mining are indeed positive also in the longer term, and (3) helping ensure that the mining permit processes do not stall in drawn-out conflicts due to limited (or contested) knowledge about potential impacts. Environmental impact assessment in the Arctic: a guide to best practice. We then describe the affected systems using our three-layer hierarchy (system, component, factor) to describe the social or environmental context that was reported to have been affected by the mining. This highlights that there should probably be some legal requirement for analysis and addressing these risks in impact assessments in the future. Coal dust generated through the mining process can be carried by the wind. However, we believe our methods were both pragmatically necessary and sufficient for the purposes of this mapping exercise. Mahar A, et al. Abstract and Figures. Full BACI designs (before after control impacts) were least common (n=5). We screened articles at three stages (title, abstract, and full text) according to a predetermined set of inclusion criteria, with consistency checks between reviewers at each level. Assuming the same spread of results across databases, this would have resulted in a total of>9500 records to screen: almost 25% of the original set of results. Titles were screened by three reviewers (NRH, JJT, CA). 2008;96(23):18393. Effects: * Toxic waste can be a very harmful effect of illegal mining. Part of 2010;37(2):194203. Sci Total Environ. 12). Lawrence R, Larsen RK. Figure8 shows the articles reporting multiple extraction stages, demonstrating that the most commonly co-reported stages were post-closure and remediation (n=21), followed by operation and abandonment (n=17). Research was focused on copper (23%), gold (18%), and zinc (16%) extraction as the top three minerals, and open pit mines were most commonly studied (33%). Mining activities are the integral part of societal development. the many Aboriginal communities in Canada [39]) and these systems have been shown to be equally limited in evidence on social impacts of resource extraction [40, 41]. A total of 247 records could not be retrieved, leaving 2342 records screened at full text level. ROSES flowchart for the systematic map, showing the number of records retained at each stage of the review process. 11). 2005;160(1):136. Bubble size indicates the number of articles. Revisiting Arctic communities. Following this consistency checking, the remaining articles were split between the two reviewers (AS and AJ) and allowed to proceed. For qualitative research; comparators are typically implicit, if present, and are thus not required. Due to a lack of resources and time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to perform a search update as planned. We differentiate here between articlesthe manuscripts in which data are presentedand outcome linesthe smallest independent data point in our map, corresponding to a measured outcome from a research article corresponding to a specific mine or mining area. Gandy CJ, et al. 4. A final 585 articles were included in the map, corresponding to 902 outcome lines. 13). Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. If we had used full dual screening and data extraction we would have been able to minimise the risk of erroneously excluding some records. The systems, components, and factors affected by the mines across included articles is visualised in Fig. Boston: Pitman; 1984. p. 13. Introduction In our days, mining for resources is inevitable. Assessment of possible ecologodemographic effects of air emissions by the example of Karelia. For 6 websites with non-English language content (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management; Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA); Finnish Sami Parliament; Norwegian Sami Parliament), searches were performed in Finnish (metallien louhinnan vaikutukset; metallien kaivostoiminta; kaivostoiminta; kaivannaisteollisuus; kaivos), and Danish (pvirkning virkning af metalminedrift; metalminedrift; minedrift) and Norwegian (stt effekter p gruvedrift av metal; metall gruvedrift; gruvedrift) as appropriate. Relevant funders and decision-makers should ensure they are aware of these gaps and clusters, and commission further research as necessary, making the most of the available evidence. Front Ecol Environ. The following criteria were used to assess relevance (eligibility) of studies identified through searching. Protecting the environment and human health is the prevention method. The open-pit mining method generates enormous environmental impacts in the territory . Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The number of articles in the map reporting different metals mined. Environmental impacts from mining operations are significant and quite often severe, especially in developing nations which lack adequate management of the sector. Analysis of the validity of studies was not possible in this map, given the wide diversity of data types and study designs (spanning social and environmental science). Bibliographic databases Searches for relevant research evidence were conducted between 27 and 29th November 2018 using the 21 bibliographic databases shown in Table 2. Learn More. The number of articles in the map according to the extraction stage. Mining is the extraction of minerals and other geological materials of economic value from deposits on the Earth. 5). constructed wetlands [29], reactive barriers treating groundwater [30], conventional wastewater treatment plants). Environ Evid. Disagreements were discussed at length and related primarily to uncertainty in this round. 2016;97:17985. The social, economical, and environmental effects of diamond mining in Africa For numerous people over generations the diamond has actually been a symbol of power, appeal, high-end, individuality, and long lasting pure love. Keeling A, Sandlos J. Ghost towns and zombie mines: The historical dimensions of mine abandonment, reclamation, and redevelopment in the Canadian North. We found 45 of the 49 benchmark based on search term presence in titles, abstracts and keywords (see Additional File 4). Mining can also trigger the formation of sinkholes. Santiago: Collaboration for Environmental Evidence; 2018. The noise, vibrations, and light pollution that are caused by mining equipment and surface vessels affect many species that are sensitive to sound like whales, tuna, and sharks. This sector is characterized by the exploitation of primarily artisanal copper (Cu), gold (Au), and silver (Ag) deposits, which are dispersed throughout (Chilean) Regions I through VI, with heaviest concentrations in Regions III and IV. From mining operations are significant and quite often severe, especially small scale mining activities mining Sami... 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267 Millstone Road Henrico, Nc 27842, Long Sleeve Formal Dresses Plus Size, Sterilite Adjustable Ornament Case, Articles C