(MJKK) is a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moody's Group Japan G.K., which is wholly-owned by Moodys Overseas Holdings Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCO. Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings are assigned by an entity that is not a NRSRO and, consequently, the rated obligation will not qualify for certain types of treatment under U.S. laws. Thank you for your interest in sharing Moody's Research. 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. An Excel report with the scores is available here: https://www.moodys.com/research/Sovereign-and-Sub-Sovereign-Governments-Global-ESG-credit-impact-scores--PBC_1286642, For more on Moody's Investors Service's integration of ESG into credit analysis, visit: https://esg.moodys.io/esg-credit#scores, Subscribers can access the report at: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1305740. In advanced economies, carbon transition poses challenges for a small minority, threatening economic models and RLGs' revenue bases. +852-3758-1350, Sydney +61-2-9270-8141, Mexico City Overall, ESG considerations have a neutral to low credit impact on most US cities and counties with at least $500 million in debt, according to Moody's new scores. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. London +44-20-7772-5456, Tokyo +813-5408-4110, Hong Kong MOODYS DEFINES CREDIT RISK AS THE RISK THAT AN ENTITY MAY NOT MEET ITS CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AS THEY COME DUE AND ANY ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSS IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OR IMPAIRMENT. Moodys SF Japan K.K. CREDIT RATINGS, NON-CREDIT ASSESSMENTS (ASSESSMENTS), AND OTHER OPINIONS INCLUDED IN MOODYS PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT STATEMENTS OF CURRENT OR HISTORICAL FACT. Moody's ESG Issuer Profile Scores & Credit Impact Scores cover issuers across sectors globally Scores will continue to roll out for additional entities throughout 2022 LEARN MORE Heat Maps How does ESG materiality vary across sectors? Methodology Methodology for integrating ESG into credit analysis 19 Oct 2021 | Moody's Investors Service This document is intended to be provided only to "wholesale clients" within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act . SUCH USE WOULD BE RECKLESS AND INAPPROPRIATE. Moody's Investors Service today published ESG Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores for US cities and US counties with between $500 million and $1 billion in outstanding debt. To the extent permitted by law, MOODYS and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability to any person or entity for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental losses or damages whatsoever arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information, even if MOODYS or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers is advised in advance of the possibility of such losses or damages, including but not limited to: (a) any loss of present or prospective profits or (b) any loss or damage arising where the relevant financial instrument is not the subject of a particular credit rating assigned by MOODYS.To the extent permitted by law, MOODYS and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability for any direct or compensatory losses or damages caused to any person or entity, including but not limited to by any negligence (but excluding fraud, willful misconduct or any other type of liability that, for the avoidance of doubt, by law cannot be excluded) on the part of, or any contingency within or beyond the control of, MOODYS or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers, arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information.NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY CREDIT RATING, ASSESSMENT, OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MOODYS IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER.Moodys Investors Service, Inc., a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moodys Corporation (MCO), hereby discloses that most issuers of debt securities (including corporate and municipal bonds, debentures, notes and commercial paper) and preferred stock rated by Moodys Investors Service, Inc. have, prior to assignment of any credit rating, agreed to pay to Moodys Investors Service, Inc. for credit ratings opinions and services rendered by it fees ranging from $1,000 to approximately $5,000,000. MJKK and MSFJ are credit rating agencies registered with the Japan Financial Services Agency and their registration numbers are FSA Commissioner (Ratings) No. By Axel Seemann, Dale Hardcastle, Deike Diers, and Jacqueline Han. Frigoglass Finance B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Frigoglass and is the issuer of the 260 million guaranteed senior secured notes due 2025. This adds to a wide range of corporates, utilities, financial institutions, and governments that have been assigned the scores since they launched in January 2021. Recipient email addresses will not be used in mailing lists or redistributed. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT COMMENT ON THE SUITABILITY OF AN INVESTMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR INVESTOR. visit our web site at www.moodys.com. PE firms that can deliver are reaping the rewards. Oct 2022 - Present6 months. Moody's is one of many firms that now assesses companies and governments on an "environmental, social and governance," or ESG, framework. RLGs in these markets are exposed to potentially significant financial and social costs. The new scores differentiate entities on their exposure to ESG considerations and the impact that has on their credit rating. Therefore, credit ratings assigned by MSFJ are Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings. To the extent permitted by law, MOODYS and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability to any person or entity for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental losses or damages whatsoever arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information, even if MOODYS or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers is advised in advance of the possibility of such losses or damages, including but not limited to: (a) any loss of present or prospective profits or (b) any loss or damage arising where the relevant financial instrument is not the subject of a particular credit rating assigned by MOODYS.To the extent permitted by law, MOODYS and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability for any direct or compensatory losses or damages caused to any person or entity, including but not limited to by any negligence (but excluding fraud, willful misconduct or any other type of liability that, for the avoidance of doubt, by law cannot be excluded) on the part of, or any contingency within or beyond the control of, MOODYS or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers, arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information.NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY CREDIT RATING, ASSESSMENT, OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MOODYS IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER.Moodys Investors Service, Inc., a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moodys Corporation (MCO), hereby discloses that most issuers of debt securities (including corporate and municipal bonds, debentures, notes and commercial paper) and preferred stock rated by Moodys Investors Service, Inc. have, prior to assignment of any credit rating, agreed to pay to Moodys Investors Service, Inc. for credit ratings opinions and services rendered by it fees ranging from $1,000 to approximately $5,000,000. . You have reached the daily limit of Research email sharings. London +44-20-7772-5456, Tokyo +813-5408-4110, Hong Kong MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. MOODYS PUBLICATIONS MAY ALSO INCLUDE QUANTITATIVE MODEL-BASED ESTIMATES OF CREDIT RISK AND RELATED OPINIONS OR COMMENTARY PUBLISHED BY MOODYS ANALYTICS, INC. Please reduce your list by using the filtering tool to the left. SEE APPLICABLE MOODYS RATING SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS PUBLICATION FOR INFORMATION ON THE TYPES OF CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ADDRESSED BY MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS. On December 7th, Moody's published ESG scores for around 220 Financial Institutions, across different sectors. Experienced sustainability analyst and research manager in the field of corporate social responsibility and ESG, with a particular focus on SDG-aligned business activity and strategies. You have reached the daily limit of Research email sharings. The rating agency said it had updated the state's "issuer profile score" in the governance category to 2 from 3. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S CREDIT RATINGS AFFILIATES ARE THEIR CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES, AND MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND INFORMATION PUBLISHED BY MOODYS (COLLECTIVELY, PUBLICATIONS) MAY INCLUDE SUCH CURRENT OPINIONS. VIEW ARTICLE MOODYS ISSUES ITS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLISHES ITS PUBLICATIONS WITH THE EXPECTATION AND UNDERSTANDING THAT EACH INVESTOR WILL, WITH DUE CARE, MAKE ITS OWN STUDY AND EVALUATION OF EACH SECURITY THAT IS UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR PURCHASE, HOLDING, OR SALE. By continuing to access this document from within Australia, you represent to MOODYS that you are, or are accessing the document as a representative of, a wholesale client and that neither you nor the entity you represent will directly or indirectly disseminate this document or its contents to retail clients within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001. +852-3758-1350, Sydney +61-2-9270-8141, Mexico City Hiroe YamamotoAnalystSub-Sovereign Group Moody's Japan K.K. https://www.moodys.com/research/Sovereign-and-Sub-Sovereign-Governments-Global-ESG-credit-impact-scores--PBC_1286642, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1305740. This document is intended to be provided only to wholesale clients within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001. "Physical climate risk including hurricanes, sea level rise, wildfires and drought is the most prevalent environmental credit consideration for most of the large US cities and counties we scored," says Adebola Kushimo, VP-Senior Credit Officer at Moody's Investors Service. Customers, employees and limited partners are demanding more sustainable, socially conscious corporate behavior. If this isn't what you are looking for, you can. In contrast, ESG factors generally have a neutral to low credit impact on US states, as well as US cities and counties with at least $1 billion in outstanding debt, with governance considerations mostly neutral or positive for all three. Information regarding certain affiliations that may exist between directors of MCO and rated entities, and between entities who hold credit ratings from Moodys Investors Service and have also publicly reported to the SEC an ownership interest in MCO of more than 5%, is posted annually at www.moodys.com under the heading Investor Relations Corporate Governance Director and Shareholder Affiliation Policy. Additional terms for Australia only: Any publication into Australia of this document is pursuant to the Australian Financial Services License of MOODYS affiliate, Moodys Investors Service Pty Limited ABN 61 003 399 657AFSL 336969 and/or Moodys Analytics Australia Pty Ltd ABN 94 105 136 972 AFSL 383569 (as applicable). Issuer profile scores will be established at first for sovereigns and will, over time, be established for an increasing number of issuers and transactions across sectors. NOTE TO JOURNALISTS ONLY: For more information, please call one of IMPORTANT NOTICE: MOODY'S RATINGS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS. (MJKK) is a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moody's Group Japan G.K., which is wholly-owned by Moodys Overseas Holdings Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCO. You can also email us at [emailprotected] or our global press information hotlines: New York +1-212-553-0376, All rights reserved. The cut in outlook for the nation's banking system came as Moody's placed six US lenders on review for downgrade. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT COMMENT ON THE SUITABILITY OF AN INVESTMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR INVESTOR. Moody's ESG Solutions' Temperature Alignment Data, a net zero solution . Moody's is now the second major rating agency to put Illinois in the 'A' category following S&P's decision on Feb. 23 to upgrade the state to A- on its scale. Please reduce your list by using the filtering tool to the left. . The Expanding Case for ESG in Private Equity. By Daniel Taub, Bloomberg 15 Mar 2023 06:55 Image: Stephanie Keith/Bloomberg http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274670, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274680, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274678, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274457, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274275, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274272. SEE APPLICABLE MOODYS RATING SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS PUBLICATION FOR INFORMATION ON THE TYPES OF CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ADDRESSED BY MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS. Moody's updated ESG methodology explains how its analysts assign issuer profile scores to indicate a debt issuer's exposure to ESG risks and how those scores impact credit ratings. All rights reserved.CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S CREDIT RATINGS AFFILIATES ARE THEIR CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES, AND MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND INFORMATION PUBLISHED BY MOODYS (COLLECTIVELY, PUBLICATIONS) MAY INCLUDE SUCH CURRENT OPINIONS. Therefore, credit ratings assigned by MSFJ are Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings. The reports include two types of ESG scores, including issuer profile scores (IPS) and credit impact scores (CIS). This document is intended to be provided only to wholesale clients within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001. Issuer Profile Scores assess rated debt issuers' exposure to material ESG credit considerations, while Credit Impact Scores demonstrate the impact of ESG factors on issuers' credit ratings. Issuer Profile Scores assess rated-debt issuers' exposure to material ESG credit considerations, while Credit Impact Scores demonstrate the impact of ESG factors on issuers' credit ratings. Brian CahillMD-MIS Environmental, Social & GovernanceEnvironmental, Social & GovernanceMoody's Investors Service Pty. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS, AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS AND IT WOULD BE RECKLESS AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR RETAIL INVESTORS TO USE MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS OR PUBLICATIONS WHEN MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S CREDIT RATINGS AFFILIATES ARE THEIR CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR . As a result, the rating agency has changed the governance issuer profile score (IPS) to G-5 from G-4 and credit impact score (CIS) to CIS-5 from CIS-4. 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. ESG Scores Explained: Telecoms, Media & Technology Navigating the Five-Point Scale Reviewing the approach to the new ESG Issuer Profile and Credit Impact Scores for Telecom, Media & Technology companies and provide some key highlights from its analysis about the impact of ESG on credit. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, all information contained herein is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Governance is a key differentiator - the conservative financial policies and governance strengths of many manufacturers counterbalances the moderately negative environmental risk and social risk inherent to manufacturing operations. Licenses . MCO and Moodys Investors Service also maintain policies and procedures to address the independence of Moodys Investors Service credit ratings and credit rating processes. 2021 Moodys Corporation, Moodys Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, MOODYS). 2022 Moodys Corporation, Moodys Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, MOODYS). visit our web site at www.moodys.com. If this isn't what you are looking for, you can. "We seek to incorporate all material credit considerations, including ESG issues, into credit ratings," says Marie Diron, Managing Director at Moody's Investors Service. You have reached the daily limit of Research email sharings. Meanwhile, governance is a limited risk or a strength for most RLGs," says Hiroe Yamamoto, a Moody's Analyst. - State Government US: ESG considerations have mostly neutral to low credit impact on US states: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274670, - Local Government US: ESG considerations have neutral to low credit impact on most large US cities: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274680, - Local Government US: ESG considerations have neutral to low credit impact on most large US counties: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274678, - Regulated Electric and Gas Utilities Global: ESG considerations have an overall credit negative impact on utilities with generation: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274457, - Medical Products and Devices Global: ESG considerations have a negative to neutral credit impact on the sector: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274275, For more on Moody's and ESG, visit: https://esg.moodys.io/, Subscribers can access the report Pharmaceuticals Global: ESG considerations have an overall credit negative effect on the sector at: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274272. 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