Make sure you've structured your shared config correctly in. . Once unpublished, all posts by manfredsteyer will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. It is not a JS only, or React only feature. Both components are registered with the librarys NgModule: As every library, it also has a barrel index.ts (sometimes also called public-api.ts) serving as the entry point. Do you have any tip what could go wrong with this approach? Step 4: Create Dockerfile for mfe1 Step 2: Create a new feature module under mfe1. Why? Using lazy loading, we are going to make it reference the Micro Frontend at runtime. I'm going to note that my project is an NX Monorepo using Angular CLI. After that, it shows with an example, how to use Module Federation in an Nx monorepo. If any one has any issue regarding importing modules/components from remote to host or vice-versa and data communication between different apps. If you have a release branch, its enough to just redeploy all apps that have been changed in this branch. This makes complete sense but i can't get it to work, If I reference the local library this way I inevitably end up with errors during builds, The examples I posted are simplified. For dynamically setting up the routes, we need some additional metadata. You may not even realize that you have two instances of a shared service at first. Webpack 5 introduced a Module Federation Plugin enabling multiple, independently built, and deployed bundles of code to form a single application. Angular is going to rely on a reactive mechanism called Signals to make change detection. This also effects how entry points for Module Federation are generated. This guide will help you create a simple angular application that is able to include modules from other angular application aka microfrontends and use them our sample angular application, Microfrontends enable the developers to club together multiple small applications into a single application as opposed to the earlier monolith design. Switch to your shell application and open the file webpack.config.js. Let's assume, the shell provides version 1.0.0 of a dependency (specifying ^1.0.0 in its package.json) and the micro frontend uses version 1.1.0 (specifying ^1.1.0 in its package.json). If you want to have a graphical representation of the changed parts of your monorepo, you can request a dependency graph with the following command: Assuming we changed the domain-logic lib used by mfe1, the result would look as follows: By default, the shown commands compare your current working directory with the main branch. Clearly this is best avoided. You can customize your theme, font, and more by creating your DEV account. Since version 12, the Angular CLI uses webpack 5. When we click on the links, modules from remote applications are loaded like a lazy loaded module and we can see the result in the router outlet. Datenschutz. Ideally, we load the remote entry upfront before Angular bootstraps. Any ng add or ng update command will yarn instead of rpm to install the packages. I see "constructed SharedService" logged on app load, then again as soon as the remote module is loaded. You can refer to my GitHub repo for the completed solution. Please check the Running the applications section. On a basic level this is how you can achieve microfrontend architecture with the help of module federation in angular 12. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. In this session, you will learn how to use this mechanism to create micro frontends with Angular. As normally, libraries dont have versions in a monorepo, we should always redeploy all the changed Micro Frontends together. To visualize the monorepos structure, one can use the Nx CLI to request a dependency graph: If you dont have installed this CLI, you can easily get it via npm (npm i -g nx). On Clicking each link we load a module from the remote application and use it in our shell application. How to design a schematic and PCB for an ADC using separated grounds, When to claim check dated in one year but received the next. To activate it, we need a custom builder that, e. g. ships with the community solution @angular-architects / module-federation. Adjust it as follows: Switch to your shell project and open its app.component.ts. It contains an AuthService that logs-in the user and remembers them using the property _userName: Besides this service, there is also a AuthComponent with the UI for logging-in the user and a UserComponent displaying the current users name. You can also grab the completed project from this repo. However, we can improve this solution a bit. Sharing my data access layer along with my facade layer resulted in shared singletons throughout my app. Also, they decide by themselves when to update to newer versions. This router config points to several Standalone Components: Here, importProvidersFrom bridges the gap between the existing RouterModule and the world of Standalone Components. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Are you sure you want to create this branch? DEV Community 2016 - 2023. Unflagging manfredsteyer will restore default visibility to their posts. For this, we need a placeholder marked with a template variable for the component in question: We get hold of this placeholders ViewContainer via the ViewChild decorator: This example shows a solution for Static Federation. The issue of dependencies is the most important thing here, because it's harder to debug. Beginning with version 13, the Angular CLI compiles emits EcmaScript modules. It supports all Angular Devkit builders and schematics. This means, we are going to map the paths pointing to our Micro Frontends in the webpack.config.js. We will now add webpack5 to the workspace. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. getting error: ERROR Error: Uncaug Posted on May 3, 2021 When webpack goes to bundle the code it needs to be able to find it. Angular CLI does not expose the webpack to us. I wanted to give clean steps on React . They prevent one Micro Frontend from depending upon others. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. However, for cases you need more control, there are also some low-level alternatives: loadManifest(): The above used loadManifest function provides a second parameter called skipRemoteEntries. I'll do my best to explain my setup.. Real sorry about how long this is going to be. Start Micro Frontend (remote): ng serve mfe1 -o. Besides checking against linting rules in your IDE, one can also call the linter on the command line: The good message: If it works on the command line, it can be automated. However, when dealing with it, several additional questions come in mind: Our free eBook (about 100 pages) covers all these questions and more: By using monorepos for Micro Frontends you trade in some freedom for preventing issues. Of course, there are approaches to compensate for these drawbacks: For instance, we can automate the distribution of shared libraries to minimize the overhead. To kick start the first app go into the created folder and run: npx create-next-app app1. Add @angular-architects/module-federation package to both the projects. The Stack Exchange reputation system: What's working? This wouldn't have been more clearer for beginners. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Once in place, they give us errors when we directly reference code belonging to another Micro Frontend and hence another business domain. This example shows a solution for Static Federation. How can we avoid pitfalls when working with Module Federation. Hence a dynamic import is used for getting hold of the Micro Frontend. To find out about the small differences for lower versions of Angular and for the migration from such a lower version, please have a look to our migration guide. is a trainer and consultant with a focus on Angular. Now, lets also activate Module Federation for the shell. They can go with their very own architectural decisions, tech stacks, and build processes. Lets go into the code now. However, this is only possible if the remote's entry is loaded upfront. Begin by cloning the Bitovi Place My Order Application, here and follow along. I need urgent help. In this training, you will learn from well-known insiders and experts from the very beginning, using many examples, how to successfully develop modern applications with. . It either compiles and runs and creates two instances, or it fails to compile citing a missing module depending on how i mess up my configuration I'm sure. Its usual that they represent a whole business domain which in general contains several use cases belonging together. These are: Project Setup So far, we used the high-level functions provided by the plugin. This is in the same level as projects folder. I'm using (at the moment) Angular 11.0.0-next and Webpack 5, which is only available as an opt-in with ng11 at the time of writing. Generate a main.single-spa.ts in your project src/. Angular is going to rely on a reactive mechanism called Signals to make change detection. What do you do after your article has been published? Thanks. // "mfe1": "mfe1@http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js". Adjust it as follows: Adjust it as follows: This references the separately compiled and deployed mfe1 project. Create a new feature module mfefeature and a component under the feature module. Angular is going to rely on a reactive mechanism called Signals to make change detection. Each Micro Frontend can be separately deployed. The shared library contains code and application state we want to . Now you can set up Module Federation in the example Angular application. You need to use yarn until Angular 12 (May 2021) to use the experimental opt-in for webpack 5; Beginning with Angular 12, webpack 5 will be active by default; Run Micro Frontend 1 ng serve mfe1 -o; Run Micro Frontend 2 ng . Fortunately, Nx helps with finding out which applications/ Micro Frontends have been changed or affected by a change: You might also want to detect the changed applications as part of your build process. I also followed exactly the same thing but still this is the error at the end in console. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. First-person pronoun for things other than mathematical steps - singular or plural? It should run in default port 4200. In the latter case, the last commit of the mentioned branch is used for the comparison. This guide shows how you can adjust to this. As usual in Nx and Angular monorepos, libraries are referenced with path mappings defined in tsconfig.base.json (Nx) or tsconfig.json (Angular CLI): The shell and mfe1 (as well as further Micro Frontends we might add in the future) need to be deployable in separation and loaded at runtime. Step 6: Create containers for host and mfe1, Run the below commands to create and run the containers. Is it legal to dump fuel on another aircraft in international airspace? The main difference to the result in the previous article is that now the shell informs itself about the Micro Frontends at runtime. Please note that the name of the dockerfile is "HostDockerfile". Angular Workshop Structured Introduction, 3 days or 4 days (depending on time model), Design with System: Scalable Design Systems with Storybook and Angular, Reactive Angular Architectures with RxJS and NGRX (Redux), Professional NGRX: Advanced Topics & Best Practices, Automatic Migration to Standalone Components in 3 Steps, Signals in Angular: The Future of Change Detection, Interview: Full Stack Architecture (English Version), The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5, The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation with Angular, Building A Plugin-based Workflow Designer With Angular and Module Federation, Getting Out of Version-Mismatch-Hell with Module Federation, Using Module Federation with (Nx) Monorepos and Angular, Pitfalls with Module Federation and Angular, Multi-Framework and -Version Micro Frontends with Module Federation: Your 4 Steps Guide, Module Federation with Angulars Standalone Components. I know, the discussion about using multiple repos vs. monorepos can be quite emotional. Therefore, you dont end up with version conflicts at runtime. (, fix(deps): update dependency regenerator-runtime to v0.13.11 (, fix : typo in host (cra-react-app-rewired) (, different-react-versions-16-17-typescript, different-react-versions-16-18-typescript, add e2e for different-react-version-typescript, fix(medusa-example): fixed medusa and medusa-delegate samples (, chore(deps): update dependency @emotion/react to v11.10.6 (, chore(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.14 (, native-federation-core-microfrontend @ d98abdf, chore(deps): update nrwl monorepo to v15.8.6 (, feat: add dynamic route example in nextjs-ssr (, chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.8.4 (, chore: remove streamed federation example (, fix(deps): update dependency node-fetch to v2.6.9 (, fix: improved advanced-api dynamic loading and fix new instance on re, chore(deps): update dependency universal-module-federation-plugin to , chore(deps): update dependency @softarc/native-federation-esbuild to , configure package.json's and lerna to run automated tests on ci (,,,,,, Building A Plugin-based Workflow Designer With Angular and Module Federation, React - Host/Remote and NextJS Host/Remote. If we wanted to switch to Dynamic Federation, we would again use loadRemoteModule instead of the dynamic import: So far, weve seen how to decompose a huge client into several Micro Frontends that can even use different frameworks. angular module federation example. For this, Nx provides linting rules. Hence a dynamic import is used for getting hold of the . However, when dealing with it, several additional questions come in mind: Our free eBook (about 100 pages) covers all these questions and more: Dynamic Module Federation provides more flexibility as it allows loading Micro Frontends we dont have to know at compile time. Updated on 2021-06-11 for Angular 14.x or higher and Nx 14.x. mfe1 project will get created under the main workspace. The steps to create it are the same as above. Its used in the template to dynamically create the menu items: Now, lets try out this "dynamic dynamic" solution by starting the shell and the Micro Frontends (e. g. with npm run run:all). Data Protectin. What's not? It is most probably because of newer version of angular, Hi. Kick start the second (notice that this time its app2 . Open the shell's router config (projects\shell\src\app\app.routes.ts) and add a route loading the microfrontend: Please note that the imported URL consists of the names defined in the configuration files above. For our purpose, we have to modify the exposes section as follows: This configuration exposes both, the Micro Frontends router configuration (pointing to Standalone Components) and a Standalone Component. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. For this, Ive updated my example to fully work without NgModules: Please find the source code here (branch: standalone-solution). If manfredsteyer is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. Adjust it as follows: Open the file app.routes.ts and comment out (or remove) the property remoteEntry: The shell should still be able to load the micro frontend. The NgModules are exposed via the webpack.config.js in the Micro Frontends: For each route loading a Micro Frontend, the shells AppComponent contains a routerLink: Thats it. It is really very helpful to me. We have 1 shell application and 2 remote applications (microfrontends). Update routing module to add path to mfe1. The feature module will be available in mfe1remoteEntry.js, Step 3: Add Modulefederated plugin to host, Locate webpack.config.js under host project and uncomment the lines under // For hosts (please adjust), We are mapping the name 'mfe1' to the path where the remote can be found. Lets start with a simple approach. Thanks, keep up the good work. It exports everything consumers can use: Please note that index.ts is also exporting the two components although they are already registered with the also exported AuthLibModule. This configuration compiles and runs, but mfe1 instantiates a new GlobalService. Are there any other examples where "weak" and "strong" are confused in mathematics? This makes sure the changes are respected. My second problem was that I was attempting to share common facades that depended on common data access services. Module Federation Angular 12 Beginners Guide with example This guide will help you create a simple angular application that is able to include modules from other angular application aka microfrontends and use them our sample angular application Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As a replacement for this, future versions of the router will expose a function for setting up the routers providers. To try this out, just start the two applications. So far, weve seen that Module Federation is a straightforward solution for creating Micro Frontends on top of Angular. To use module federation we need to run below command in all the related applications. Though Module Federation seems to be . Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the information about Angular. We expect both Micro Frontends to provide an NgModule with sub routes via './Module'. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. The shell used here is just an ordinary Angular application. You can then run yarn && yarn start from any of the non-proprietary examples. As the shells webpack configuration describes the Micro Frontends, we already needed to know them when compiling it. Moon's equation of the centre discrepancy. As this best fits the original ideas of Micro Frontends, I call this approach "Micro Frontends by the book". This is what software architecture is about. To build an Angular application, we will use the Angular CLI. Was Silicon Valley Bank's failure due to "Trump-era deregulation", and/or do Democrats share blame for it? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. For this, you might want to extend the manifest: Besides remoteEntry, all other properties are custom. Please ensure that home component is pointing to the one under mfe1 project and not host. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Hence, adjust the section project/remote-project-name/architect/serve/options as follows: As remotes are now loaded as EcmaScript modules, the same origin policy is in place. To put it in another way: We trade in some freedom to prevent version conflicts and increased bundle sizes. Once suspended, manfredsteyer will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. Identifying lattice squares that are intersected by a closed curve. Hence, only the shell is rebuilt: Using the build cache to only recompile changed apps can dramatically speed up your build times. Once unsuspended, manfredsteyer will be able to comment and publish posts again. (Ex: header App & Sidenav App on router="/index" in Host application), Any suggestion would be Appreciated. These switches take a commit hash or the name of a branch. As in the previous article, we add and initialize the Module Federation plugin for the Micro Frontends: Beginning with the plugins version 14.3, we can generate a dynamic host that takes the key data about the Micro Frontend from a JSON file called the Micro Frontend Manifest at runtime: The manifest can be found here: projects/shell/src/assets/mf.manifest.json. Support for Micro-frontends with Module Federation and Angular. Ibsen offers a line of spectrometer gratings spanning from UV bandwidths over VIS to NIR bandwidths, and also offers custom design of gratings for your OEM application. Since Angular 15.2, there is a schematic that automates the migration to Standalone Components. The displayed graph looks like this: The auth-lib provides two components. Now, let's activate and configure module federation: Install @angular-architects/module-federation into the shell and into the micro frontend: This activates module federation, assigns a port for ng serve, and generates the skeleton of a module federation configuration. Start. After creating successfully app, we need to create module using angular cli command. This article compares the consequences of using several repositories ("Micro Frontends by the book") and one sole monorepo. Unflagging sbhuvane will restore default visibility to their posts., Module Federation Examples covered by e2e tests with Cypress framework, more info about structure and configuration here . Check this out if Angular 14 will support micro . Open the shell's webpack.config.js and register the created auth-lib with the sharedMappings: Also open the micro frontends (mfe1) webpack.config.js and do the same. Angular CLI: 15.2.2 Node: 16.13.2 Package Manager: yarn 1.22.19 OS: linux x64 Then ran the ng add @angular-arc. "script mfe2@http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js". mixing and matching different frameworks and versions here, Strategic Design (Domain-driven Design) and Angular. With Angular 13, the Angular TestBed has received some improvements. Would it be possible to load the mfe1 project's app module instead of the lazy loaded module? This is needed since Angular CLI 13. In case you want to read more on what are micro frontends. Updated on 2021-12-23 for Angular 13.x and Nx 13.4 and upwards Instead, you can also go with the switch --projects to just start a subset of them: --project takes a comma-separated list of project names. Angular CLI 11 uses webpack version 4. run successfully command, it will create files as like bellow path: We will now create another application under the same workspace. . If an application (or library) hasnt been changed, its neither retested nor relinted. As EcmaScript modules can be directly imported, there is no remoteName anymore. The mfefeature module is lazy loaded. If you load stuff not built by CLI 13 or higher, you very likely have to set this property to script. Implementation examples of module federation , by the creators of module federation. I might not be understanding the question tho. However, there are several scenar., Lets talk large language models (Ep. What about on a drone? Here to get the module we use a helper method from the package we added earlier called loadRemoteModule where we pass the proper remoteName, remoteEntry & exposedModule which we used in the webpack.config.js file of remote applications. While such a fine-grained integration seems to be fine for plugin-systems, Micro Frontends are normally more coarse-grained. As mentioned, Ive seen both working in the wild in several projects. If sbhuvane is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. While most of the times, we will load Micro Frontends (remotes) via the router, we can also load exposed components programmatically. This was quite easy, wasn't it? Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first, Engineering Director / Engineering Manager / Architect at Cognizant, Music Monday What are you listening to? Step 5: Create Docker image for mfe1 using the below command. I hereby agree that software architect can process my email address for the purpose of sending the newsletter. Make sure you have a fitting version if you try out the examples! This can also happen via the manifest: If an entry in the manifest does not contain a type property, the plugin assumes the value module. Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../". The returned reference (ref) points to the component instance with its instance property. That'll be great! Interestingly, Standalone Components belonging together can be grouped using a router config. exports = {plugins: [new ModuleFederationPlugin ({shared: {'my-vue': {// can be referenced by import "my-vue" import: 'vue', // the "vue" package will be used as a provided and fallback module shareKey: 'shared-vue', // under this name the shared module will be placed in the share scope shareScope: 'default', // share scope with this . Furthermore, if you're on NX, your linting will complain if you import from absolute or relative library paths, so there is a disconnect between what Webpack wants, and what nx/tslint wants. Its on you to evaluate these consequences for your very project. In this part you will clone the starterkit and inspect its projects. I tried to run the custom builder but it is not install properly. To enable Module Federation for the shell, lets execute this command: The webpack.config.js generated for the shell needs to point to the Micro Frontend: As we are going with static federation, we also need typings for all configured paths (EcmaScript modules) referencing Micro Frontends: Now, all it takes is a lazy route in the shell, pointing to the routes and the Standalone Component exposed by the Micro Frontend: Now, lets move to dynamic federation. To get this default behavior, just skip the sharedMappings property. At the end, you find a property tag, Ive set to scope:shell: The value for the tags are just strings. How should I respond? Nearly all of the disadvantages outlined above can be prevented by putting all Micro Frontends into one sole monorepo: Now, sharing libraries is easy and there is only one version of everything, hence we dont end up with version conflicts in the browser. They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. It comes in handy if you load the data from somewhere else. The property remoteName points to the key that was used in the manifest. Before, this name was used as the name of a global variable that made the remote available. angular provide command to create module with routing in angular application. Great, thanks a lot for pushing it! Step 3: Create Docker image for host using the below command. This is src/webpack.config.js, which includes key configuration for module federation. The shell should still be able to load the micro frontend. localhost/:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "mfe1@localhost:5000/mfe1remoteEntry.js". At the moment, webpack is statically building our application, telling it at build time where our Remotes are. It contains the module federation configuration for mfe1. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Module Federation, offered by Webpack 5, initiates a crucial change of direction here. 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Set up module Federation in the latter case, the Angular TestBed has received some improvements of sending newsletter. Dependencies is the error at the end in console put it in another way we. Microfrontends ) branch name on app load, then again as soon as the name of a shared at.

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